A new thread part 3

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The human Y/N punched his demonic half with his right hand sending it flying backwards and then he roundhouse kicked his life fiber half. He stood tall and concentrated his flames and blasted both Y/N's with the blue and red flames.

He ran full speed through his own flames and sent a flurry at punch at both of them kicking one in the side knocking it into the other Y/N. He then grabbed both by the face and began running and throwing the two into each other.

The demonic Y/N extended his wings and charged sending his own flurry of attacks but he was then stabbed through the back with life fiber tendrils from the other Y/N behind him. The human Y/N grabbed one of the tendrils stabbing his demonic half and pulled it towards him as he grabbed the life fiber Y/N by the throat and smashed him into the ground concentrating his flames into burning its body up.

The demon Y/N charged again but the human once used his life fiber half's body as a shield. Then with his free hand I punched the demon Y/N in the face and then smashed the life fiber one into the demon one. Y/N blasted the both of them with flames from both his hands and then charged through his own flames with a punch with so much force it hit both of them and shattered both of their armored bodies easily.

The human Y/N approaches his other two halves and extended his hand as his flames formed a blade. The human Y/N stabbed both the demon and life fiber version of himself in the chest through each other and he then impales the two of them into the ground at the exact spot where he was trapped with roots at the center of the stream.

The sword made of his flames exploded with great intensity as the flames burned insanely bright trapping the other two and creating roots of fire and energy extruding from the sword and the the other two Y/N's bodies and into the ground. The stream began to return but the fields changed and the entire dimension changed to that of a field on earth.

Ryuko and Satsuki stood there amazed, and trying to recover from their previous fight. The human Y/N approached Ryuko slowly and then hugged her. Ryuko: Y/N are you ok, you have to make — (Y/N cut her off as he kissed her) they both blushes while kissing but they both enjoyed it and held on to each other the whole time.

Satsuki blushes at first and then smiled, then after a 2 minutes she was both curious and annoyed. Satsuki: can you two hear me? You two better not be French kissing! Seriously can you save this for later! I'm being ignored. It's literally been 5 minutes Ryuko we're supposed to save his life, he's going to run out of oxygen at this rate.

Is something supposed to happen here?! Why in God's name is this kiss still going on?! Satsuki just gave up and sat down. She sighed waiting and waiting. Then after another minute the entire dimension started to fade into a bright white light. Satsuki: Finally thank you god!

The two girls came back to the hospital room and their life fiber tendrils faded back into them. Suddenly a monitor next to Y/N started beeping as he began to flat line. The doctors and nurses at the ready then rushed in. Ryuko: wait why is he flatting I thought we fixed everything?!

Satsuki: you kissed the life out of him, why else would he be dying, he's clearly fallen for you so much his heart or multiple hearts can't take it. Ryuko blushing. Satsuki: you French kissed him didn't you. Ryuko blushed even more. Satsuki sighs: we need to talk about sex and protection. The heart monitor began to beat again and everyone was relieved. Senkestu: Ryuko you and Y/N have amazing lung capacity. Ryuko blushing even harder with embarrassment didn't respond.

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