Cutting the cord within ones heart part 6

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Ryuko hugged her mother feeling strange but regardless she didn't overthink it as she went to school with Mako. As Ryuko arrived to class she sat down next to Mako and daydreamed. Ryuko eventually woke up to the bell ringing. She looked at the desk behind her feeling like something was wrong again.

Mako: what's wrong Ryuko?

Ryuko: I'm not sure, do you remember who sits at that desk?

Mako: I don't think anyone sits there. I don't remember anyone sitting there.

Ryuko: are you sure?

Mako: yup.

Ryuko: ok, lets go.

After school Ryuko was walking home with Mako talking about how she wasn't feeling well.

Mako: Is it cramps? Because if so my dad has off the counter medicine for it.

Ryuko: no it's not that, I don't know how to describe it but something feels off today, like something is very wrong but I have no idea what it is.

Mako gets a call from boyfriend, she turns to Ryuko.

Ryuko: it's ok Ryuko I'll be fine from here. I'll see you tomorrow.

As Ryuko arrived home greeting her mother who hugged her and telling her that her sister and father were busy at the lab.

Ryuko: so they'll be late for dinner.

Ryago: yup, those two get so caught up in their work it's annoying.

Ryuko: ok.

Ryago: what's wrong honey?

Ryuko: I'm not sure, I feel kind of strange today. I'm going to go take a nap.

Ryago: ok I'll wake you for dinner.

Ryuko went to her bedroom flopping onto her bed tired. She looked around her room and the family picture by her bed and then pulled her blanket over her body and closed her eyes.

Ryuko dozed off and started to dream

Ryuko opened her eyes and she was in a wedding dress in a changing room.

She liked the dress but she thought something was missing

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She liked the dress but she thought something was missing. She walked out and suddenly everything went dark. When the light came back on Ryuko was on the alter and she couldn't hear anything for a second.

Priest: um miss do you vow to love and protect this man till death do you part?

Ryuko looked at the man in front of her and her heart sank, something felt wrong. Ryuko: um hold on, can I get a second.

???: a second for what? Come on Ryuko we're getting married just say you do?

Ryuko: I'm sorry I don't know you or love you, and I definitely don't want to get married to you.

Male reader x ryuko Matoi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now