Unravelling threads part 9

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Ryuko: so I'm guessing Aikuro got captured.
Y/N: that's the guy who was your teacher right? Ryuko: yup but that was a cover for his nudist beach mission. Y/N: you know I've faced and heard allot of things but a organization of nudists fighting aliens still amazes me.

Ryuko: what else have you fought? Y/N: other alien types, and demon types you know the type to spit acid or explode into dust or nasty goo, parasites, eyeballs with legs and teeth, and allot more. Ryuko: earth really hides allot of secrets huh. Y/N: yup but that's good though, way easier to help people without the entire world freaking out.

Ryuko: so Satsuki what's the plan. Satsuki: Houka will hack into the governments systems find where they're holding Aikuro and Tsumugu and then hack the facility and distract them long enough for the three of us to sneak in and rescue the two. Ryuko: won't they know it was us?

Satsuki: yes but the government is all about power and leverage, once Houka finds dirt on them we'll save that as insurance in case they are aware of us, it's fairly simple Ryago used to do it all the time. Y/N: your sisters smart and a little scary. Ryuko smiling: yup. Ryuko: I'll tell senkestu about it, apparently he can transform into other forms besides a sailor uniform now so maybe I can make a stealth battle suit.

Y/N: I'm sure I have all black clothes in my closet. Ryuko: until you and ketsu work out what's going on that's probably the best idea. Satsuki: if that's the case I'm sure I can get two tactical black suit for me and Y/N. Ryuko: all right lets do this. Y/N: before that I'm going to go see my mom and sister. Ryuko: try not to hold back the tears.

Y/N: heh don't worry I won't. (Y/N then speeds off at insane lightning speeds running out of the mansion and straight home) Ryuko and satsuki abit stunned by the speed watch Y/N quickly fade out of distance. Ryuko: he just woke up and now he's faster? Satsuki: heh this is the strangeness of life I've missed. Ryuko: yeah me too.

Meanwhile Akio returned to her home and slaughtered everyone inside the mansion easily and then burned the place down leaving a fiery wreckage of her former home. She need it any of it, from now on she would not hide behind bodyguards and fortune. She would become stronger and stronger, she would destroy Ryuko and Y/N and become even stronger till no one not even the boss can stand in her way.

Y/N arrived home in a rush and without saying anything hugged his mother. No words were said but both were crying they held each other as she petted his head. Y/N: no more secrets please. Y/N's mother: your so much like my brother, you have his heart his foolishness and stubbornness and his personality.

Y/N: to be fair most of that already runs in the family. Both of them laughed and Y/N and his mother quickly added Y/N's sister into the hug as she ran down the stairs with tears of joy in her eyes. Y/N's thoughts: I'll protect the both of you, I'll become stronger and protect everyone.

(Short chapter I know but big things are coming also I plan to have some stakes in this story so that means not all the characters are safe, I'll try my best to not plot armor it up) also thanks for the support I never thought people would read my stories and it actually means allot that someone has Thank You. 🙏

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