A new thread part 2

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The two sisters charged the demon Y/N and the life fiber Y/N fighting them with their own strength. Both Ryuko and Satsuki after fusing with the life fibers had gained super strength even without wearing them so they could fight but compared to the strength of the two Y/N's they couldn't hold a candle to them without their life fibers.

As they fought Satsuki noticed Ryuko fighting far more defensively then she had ever fought before, her entire body was shaking and she looked nervous. Satsuki quickly side stepped away from the demon Y/N and slapped her sister saying: SNAP OUT OF IT RYUKO! Ryuko then tackled her sister having both of them avoid the two Y/N's charging the both of them.

The two Y/N's didn't stop and used there overwhelming difference in speed and power to attack both with a flurry of blows and send both sisters flying back hundreds of feet. The two Y/N's then continued to fight each other no longer interested in the fighting the sisters.

As Ryuko and Satsuki lay in the field of flowers away from the stream in pain they both tried getting up but to no avail, they had no chance in winning through a physical fight. Ryuko and Satsuki got up slowly and limped to the stream and watched the two Y/N's continue their death match as they both continued to bleed into the stream of water.

Ryuko limped to the Y/N who was in the middle of the stream, the one who had life fiber roots growing out of him and into the ground. She fell to her knees next to him clenching her fists shaking and she then began to tear up. Satsuki: I'm sorry Ryuko I could see how afraid you were to hurt him, you weren't going to be able to do much in that instance. Ryuko said nothing still shaking.

Ryuko crying: those people, I couldn't save those people, I couldn't save dad, and now
Y/N is dying and I can't save him! Satsuki hugged her sister beginning to tear up herself as she said: oh my baby sister, I wanted to protect you from this. The things Ryago did, the people she hurt and killed. I thought it was finally over, we were free.

Ryuko: sis it's because of these bastards all of us have suffered, but it's also because I wasn't strong enough. Ryuko began to cry out loud now saying: Y/N I cant lose you too! Ryuko then got up and ran straight for the two Y/N's who were charging each other again. Ryuko used every bit of strength and speed to run in between the two Y/N's and try to hold them back.

Satsuki ran towards them screaming her sisters name knowing she wouldn't survive a clash from the two Y/N's. Ryuko tears dropped from her eyes and into the stream as she screamed: STOP YOU TWO! The Y/N closest to satsuki then said: Ryuko. A explosion occurred sending everyone flying as blue and red flames erupted everywhere consuming the field and evaporating the stream.

Ryuko was in the third Y/N's arms his entire body was engulfed in blue and red flames but he looked entirely human and no longer trapped in the ground. The two Y/N's who were sent flying back got up shocked at what they saw before them.

Human Y/N: I don't care what the hell you idiots think your doing but YOU MADE RYUKO CRY! I'LL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU TWO!!! The human Y/N's roar pushed back the other two with just its force and then they each roared back. Ryuko in Y/N's arms held on to him, feeling his bodies warmth and his flames weren't hurting her they felt friendly and bright.

The human Y/N then wiped away her tears saying: sorry Ryuko I need to get my shit together, please don't cry. I'll knock some sense into myself right now. He set Ryuko down and charged straight for his other two self's. Ryuko and Satsuki watched as this human Y/N exploded with intense flames smacking the other two around with ferocious speed and power as well as anger.

Human Y/N: it's my damn fault! I couldn't save our uncle! I couldn't save dad! BUT I SURE AS HELL WILL SAVE RYUKO EVEN IF I HAVE TO BEAT THE EVER LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU TWO AND THAT CLOAKED BASTARD!

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