Am I enough?

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Ketsu help

Y/N felt like he was dreaming but these weren't dreams.

He was floating through memories, but he didn't feel like they were him. It felt like they were tearing him apart.

Two different lives with two different memories.

Y/N felt himself lying on the ground his insides torn out as he lay there looking at the sky.

He then heard a familiar voice

Ryuko: Y/N!?

She held him in her arms and called out to him. She was crying and saying something but Y/N couldn't hear her, he was busy staring at her face trying to remember it as the last thing he saw.

Her tears dropped on his face and he smiled at her

Y/N: I love you Ryuko.

Then everything faded to black.

Ryuko: Y/N!?

Y/N opened his eyes and realized this was now reality. He was in a hospital and all his friends and family were around him.

Y/N tears dripping down his eyes: Everyone. Your here?

Akio: Why wouldn't we be here dummy?

Nana: Are you alright Y/N? My healing magic isn't working on you!

Izumi: Thank goodness your awake!

Satsuki: You surprised us all once again.

Ryuko: Y/N please talk to me. Are you ok?

Y/N wiping away his tears: Yes I'm ok. I don't know what happened.

Senketsu: We found you collapsed, were you attacked?

Y/N: I wasn't attacked, I just saw something weird.

Ryuko: What do you mean by weird?

Akio: It can't be that weird after all we've seen.

Nana: I'm sure we can handle it together.

Izumi: There has to be a reasonable explanation.

Y/N saw the people around him, the people he cared for. The same people he didn't remember.

He clenched his teeth and fists tightly

Y/N inner thoughts: Am I enough for them like this? I'm not their Y/N and I can't pretend like I am. I need to be better, I need my memories.

Y/N bowed his head: Everyone I need your help.

As Y/N explained what he saw and what he planned to do everyone agreed.

Satsuki: So we all have to take a trip to the demon realm then.

Akio cracking her knuckles: Let's bust up some demons!

Nana: We better prepare.

Izumi: The demon realm? This will be a learning experience I guess.

Ryuko: Let's get your memories back!

Suddenly a explosion happened at the hospital sending everyone flying.

Y/N stood there standing in fire, he blocked the majority of the explosion stopping anyone from being killed.

The hospital then began to explode over and over and began collapsing in on itself.

Y/N with one hand grabbed the collapsing roof and using his magic held the hospital together.

With his free hand he extend his arms and fired of flames where the explosion went off.

Ryuko woke up realizing she wasn't in the hospital anymore, she was in the woods somehow?

Akio woke up in a alley way.

Nana woke up on a boat in the middle of the ocean.

Izumi woke up in a school.

Satsuki woke up inside the top floor of a skyscraper.


?: We don't talk to devils, we kill them.

Y/N: I'm going to clear my head by beating you to a pulp!

Ryuko transformed but she was then kicked from behind through hundreds of trees.

Akio dodged thousands of bullets fired at her from every direction before getting hit with a energy blast.

Nana's boat exploded leaving her floating in the ocean and pulled under by something.

Izumi was kicked into a empty classroom that began to warp and change as she was attacked.

Y/N still holding the hospital up felt immense pain in his brain as he had more flashes of his old life.

?: What's wrong boy? You have a headache?

Y/N feeling his nose bleeding: I am in no mood for banter right now.

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