Y/N Trapped in threads part 3

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Ryuko: so can you control your powers now? Y/N: sort of I've never been able to use them without a setback or cost though. Even now when I use my powers sometimes it'll cause damage to my body or completely drain my stamina, sometimes I've blacked out or broken bones and torn muscles from just using my powers. My emotions have allot of say in this but if I'm not careful I go berserk even without the special suit my uncle made.

Ryuko: wow you've seen allot haven't you. I'm sorry for your losses. Y/N: thanks I know it all sounds crazy but I'm guessing your story is just as crazy. Ryuko: yup I guess I'll tell you all about it. (Ryuko then explained the whole story from her fathers death, the search for him, senketsu her best friend and talking sailor uniform that could transform into battle gear, her at first evil sister and evil mother, her sister being a double agent at the worlds shadiest school and a battle that destroyed a city oh and nudist beach organization.

Ryuko noticed Y/N's face react to the name senketsu strangely and how he looked alarmed. After Ryuko told the whole story Y/N said he was sorry she lost allot of people to her too and she thanked him for that. They both sat there trying to process the others story and seeing how similar they were. Y/N: Ryuko we need to go to my house right now.

Ryuko: huh why? Y/N: my uncle never told us who the name of the doctor he was working with and what they were working on but after his death we were sent a random package containing his old briefcase. Inside of it was a bunch of stuff that made no sense, blueprints, equations, notes and theories, old ideas, and more.

There was only a single picture in the briefcase of my uncle in a lab with this doctor guy and a sailor uniform the same color as the one you described. The name senketsu was also on one of the blueprints. Ryuko shocked by this said: let's go. The two ran outside with Ryuko telling satsuki they had to drop Y/N home. As they rode towards Y/N's home they both speculated on what this could mean for the both of them.

The two then ran into Y/N's home and went to the basement to get the briefcase. Ryuko: your sister and mom aren't home? Y/N: my sister and mom are out shopping so they'll be back later. Here it is! Y/N brings out the briefcase and opens its leather case to reveal all the old aged papers full of theories, notes, designs, and some unreadable language or gibberish.

On one of the blueprints was the title senketsu v1 which looked to be a early design of senketsu with a more armored and covered up transformation and a second transformation glove that looked like it would serve some other purpose.

Then Ryuko found the photograph and her hand began to shake and tears strolled down her eyes. In the picture her father stood smiling and Y/N's uncle next to him as a almost complete senketsu was behind them on a table. Y/N not knowing what to do wether to hug her or get tissues for her just reacted and gave Ryuko a hug.

He held Ryuko as she held onto the picture until she wiped away her tears saying: thanks for that. Y/N: no problem (blushing) so this changes allot. Ryuko: what did your mom say about these when she saw them. Y/N: my mom thought that these strange unreadable letters was a code or something like that since it had a similarity to the alien Language my mom and uncle learned from my grandmother.

My grandmother on the other hand after seeing all this she thought that since we could find your father she would search for him and whatever else my uncle had been studying for so many years. She told me 2 years ago she had found nothing whatever my uncle was hiding he wanted it to stay hidden.

Ryuko: my father went into hiding for awhile so it makes sense but if your uncle was helping my dad then maybe we can find answers with nudist beach and I can ask them if they have anything that could help. Y/N: they sound weird but I'm willing to try. So I guess that means my old suit is made of life fibers.

Ryuko: pretty much and looking at these blueprints it was designed to be like senketsu maybe a younger brother or sister to him. Ryuko: so you mind if I see it? Y/N: no it's fine. They both walked over to the staircase where Y/N leaned down and clawed pulled at a certain spot revealing a tiny little door and room under the stairs with enough space to fit a small child.

The tiny room was filled to the brim with an assortment of items Y/N claimed he had gathered over the years fighting. He pulled out a small trunk and opened the latches to reveal a hoodie with fingerless gloves sewn into it and pants with its own cloth boots sewn to it.

The whole suit color and design wise resembled senketsu with one major difference being seknetsu was mostly black with some red while this suit was mostly red with black highlights and a little white around the gloves and boots. The suit had the same eye piece senketsu did on the right shoulder and on the opposing one there was a second one.

Ryuko without touching it felt a cold and dangerous presence around the suit. Y/N: you feel that weird presence around it too right, I haven't let this thing have a drop of blood in two years and still creeps me out without moving. Ryuko: did it have a voice or talk at all?

Y/N: whenever I would put it on it would scream in pain, the only thing I ever heard it say was "kill". Ryuko: did it hurt putting on? Y/N: yup it would tear skin off when I tried taking it off and allot help as well since I always lost control. My grandma would be the one to knock me out of it and help get it off so with her not here I've been In no rush to put it on. Ryuko: I need to tell satsuki she can help us. Y/N: ok. I feel like things are about to get complicated they always do in these situations.

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