Y/N: life on a thread Part 2

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While Y/N and Ryuko ate and Mako slept someone approached their table. Akio ito the neighborhoods number 1 delinquent and the daughter of the infamous sutsu gang leader Banri ito. Akio: oi matoi I saw you during gym class your strong. Join me we could use someone like you. Ryuko: no thanks I'm not interested.

Akio: I see then how about a fight to see who's stronger. Ryuko: I'm not fighting you. Akio then steps onto the table and steps on Ryuko's lunch. Ryuko's inner thoughts: don't get into another fight you promised Satsuki you wouldn't. Ryuko with a death stare at Akio: are you finished. Y/N: come on thats just mean she said she's not interested can you please leave now.

I'll buy you a new lunch Ryuko. Before Y/N could leave the table Akio kicked Y/N in the face knocking him down as his head hit another table as he fell. She then picked up Y/N's lunch and threw it at him while one of her goons poured milk on his head and one poured it on a sleeping Mako.

Ryuko fist was shaking and her other hand holding her seat began to crack a part of her seat off. Ryuko: Y/N you ok! Y/N: yeah just a little dazed. Ryuko turned to Akio: you want to fight you bitch I'll punch you into the ground. Akio now seeing the angry Ryuko smiled: perfect how about this Friday after school, I win you become my dog and those two as well.

Ryuko: if I win you apologize and you become my dog. Akio: agreed make sure to bring your sleeping friend and boyfriend over there it's dinner with a active audience. Ryuko blushes: he's not my boyfriend! Akio leaning closer: oh well it doesn't matter since you'll both be my pets bit- (before she could finish her sentence Y/N threw a slice of messed up pizza from his lunch at Akio hitting her straight in the face.

Akio screamed as the pizza slid down her face since Y/N coated it in hot sauce. Akio screamed in anger saying: you little runt! Ryuko was now laughing seeing Akio with pizza and hot sauce on her clothes.

Akio: get them now! The two thugs were ready to hit both Y/N and Ryuko but then a spotlight appeared out of nowhere and the sound hallelujah was heard with Mako appearing now awake with her arms in a x formation as she started talking about how Akio should behave and be nice and not be jealous just because Ryukos boobs were bigger then hers. The two thugs and Akio were both confused and angry at Mako while Ryuko blushed as Mako groped her for her example.

Y/n stood there tomato red unsure what was happening when suddenly the bell rang and teachers had arrived to escort all kids out of the cafeteria. Akio: you freaks got lucky remember Friday and make sure to show up! Akio walked away and Ryuko grip of the table finally broke one of the tables metallic legs off surprising both Y/N and Mako. Ryuko stood up and apologized to both Y/N and Mako.

Y/N: it's alright I've been bullied before this was nothing, people like that are nothing. Ryuko: I'm sorry about your lunch, but nice pizza throw. Y/N blushing: thanks you too, so your going to fight her? Ryuko: yeah I'm going to put her in her place. Y/N: Ok make sure to be careful you never know what she might do, she could cheat or get you in trouble here. Mako: don't worry Mako is as tough as they come she can beat Akio no problem!

Ryuko: ok lets bring Y/N to the nurse now he fell pretty hard and I'm pretty sure he has a concussion. Y/N: I'm fine, I swear there's no brain damage that hasn't already been done. Ryuko smiles and laughs a little bit saying: ok tough guy let's just make sure. The three then head to the nurse where Mako and Y/N get to dry their clothes and Y/N gets some bandages to wrap around his head. After the next couple classes they all leave the school for the day. Ryuko asks Y/N and Mako if they want a ride and they both agree.

While Soroi drives the three home Y/N is amazed that Ryuko has her own driver and asks about him. Ryuko: he's my families butler but he's a great friend. Y/N: woah your family must be rich. Mako: yeah Ryuko is a part of the Kiryūin family. Y/N: woah the Kiryūin family, as in the clothing company that's amazing so how come your last name is matoi.

Ryuko: sort of my parents were divorced and so I took my fathers last name while my sister took my moms they're both dead now. Y/N: I'm sorry to hear that I lost my dad awhile back. Ryuko: it's ok I didn't really get to know either of them that well. Y/N trying to change the subject: so you have a sister? Ryuko: yeah she's older then me and at work right now we met and reconnected over a year ago after my fathers death.

How about you do you have any siblings? Y/N: I have a younger sister she's adorable and annoying at the same time she drives me crazy but I love her. Ryuko: nice just like Mako her little brother is the same. As the three of them talked and Mako was dropped of at her families new home, Y/N and Ryuko were growing closer talking about their interests and lives both holding secrets. Then suddenly the car stopped and Soroi had to step out of the car to see that the front tires were shot.

Before Soroi could tell Y/N and Ryuko someone with a skull bandana appeared aiming a gun at Soroi telling him not to move. Ryuko and Y/N stepped out of the car and had there arms up so the masked man didn't shoot Soroi. Ryuko: let him go now! Gangster: sorry sweetheart but I can't do that so why don't you listen to what I say or the old man gets three bullets to the head and your friend too.

Y/N: then heard several more footsteps and heart beats around them. He whispered to Ryuko: there's more of them. Before Ryuko could ask how he knew that sacs were pulled over Y/N and Ryuko's head and they were taken along with Soroi.

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