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The months began to pass with Rion having seemingly disappeared. No contact to Akio who had been convinced by Chibi Y/N to turn against him. Akio became a mercenary/hitman for hire and spent her remaining free time disgusting herself and going by the name Aki to babysit for Y/N's sister and sometimes Y/N. Akio has made friends with Y/N's sister S/N and she even helped her train in secret.

As the months passed both Ryuko and Satsuki had become stronger and stronger training with G/N and Y/N was still in his Chibi form but after allot of training some of his power had seemed to return in this state. Nana had started training with everyone else while also dubbing Ryuko her love rival which embarrassed Ryuko. The two became healthy rivals and friends in a sense. Chibi Y/N was training his mind since his body couldn't be pushed that hard and he had become quit the traction.

Eventually the day of parent teacher conferences game so everyone went. After a couple hours of talking to most of the teachers Y/N, Ryuko, and Nana with their respective family members went to Izumi's room together as all of them were invited. Izumi asked them to sit and she then locked the door behind her. Before anyone else could ask why, Izumi said: I know what you all are, your abilities and origins that's why I wanted to talk to all of you. I know you all because I'm like you.

Y/N's mother M/N then suddenly came to a realization as she said: oh my god I know who you are. She then rushed to her and hugged Izumi catching her off guard. Izumi was stunned when M/N spoke: your U/N's daughter aren't you. Izumi felt her body shake as she began to tear up, M/N geared up as well saying: he always told me about you, you look like the picture he sent me awhile ago.

Izumi: how I thought he kept me a secret. M/N: my brother is good at keeping secrets but he's not good enough to keep one from me. Before he died he told me that you wouldn't stick around but he said if you ever returned to take care of you. Izumi hugged her aunt and then looked back at everyone else who was shocked. Chibi Y/N was crying because he saw his mother and teacher crying but he was also shocked.

After everyone had digested the information they all sat down and let Izumi tell her story. Chibi Y/N: YaY I have a cousin! Ryuko: so our father was U/N's colleague. Satsuki: our father wasn't the only one gunning to stop Ryago then. Ryago always spoke of the world mysterious and her enemies attacking her warehouses, hideouts, and government facilities.

Ryuko: you saved us from Rions influence, who knows what his life fibers would have done to us and Y/N. Thank you mis- I mean Izumi. Izumi: thank you for listening, I want to help stop my father so you can count me as an ally I'm in your care. M/N then put her hand on Izumi's shoulder and then began punching her cheeks while saying: stop being so awkward you silly girl, your family is here so don't be so shy.

Izumi smiled and then Chibi Y/N spoke up: so then we have a army to fight Rion! Satsuki-nee, Izumi-neechan, Ryuko and Nana we could use our powers to form a giant robot!!! Everyone laughed at the child's remark and they all decided to go home together.

Later that night Ryuko and her sister were watching tv when Ryuko had an idea. Ryuko: hey sis spring break is soon, why don't we spend spring break at the beach. Satsuki: we do have Ryagos beach house we could invite everyone to go. Ryuko: that sounds fun, let's do it.

Satsuki: ok, I'll make sure to have it cleaned up for us. Ryuko: now we just need swimsuits. Senketsu doesn't like sand and I'm sure junketsu is the same. Satsuki: your probably right we'll go bikini shopping tomorrow. Junketsu began speaking to himself saying: I actually really like sand.

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