Thread carefully part 2

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Y/N was at home relaxing watching tv and scrolling through social media on his phone. While he was doing this he felt bored. No sirens in the distance, no threats on his life or attacks by Rion. No way was Rion going to let him enjoy his winter break.

He then called Ryuko to ask her about what they should do but when she picked up the phone he heard a NYA hello! Y/N confused: uh Ryuko? Ryuko: oh hi Y/N um is it ok to call back I'm not feeling so NYA good. Please ignore that sound I'm sick.

Y/N: did you get a cat? Ryuko who seemed farther from the phone: Satsuki no give me back the phone NYA! Satsuki: Y/N it seems Ryuko needs your help, something has happened during a training session. Y/N still confused: oh ok sure I'll be over right away. Ryuko: no don't come over NYA!

Satsuki: don't worry I'm sure he can help, he does have a tail after all (she then hangs up) Y/N's inner thoughts: if this sounds like what I'm thinking of this is going to be cute. Y/N quickly ran to Ryuko's house and rang on the doorbell. After being let in by Satsuki she quickly took him to outside Ryuko's room. Satsuki: she's freaking out, I think maybe you can help her get out of this room. Y/N knocked on the door saying: Ryuko you there!? What's wrong? The door knob began to turn and the door opened. Y/N then saw Ryuko with shorter hair among other things.

Ryuko: NYA! GODDAMN IT WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!! Nya! AGGGHHHH!  Y/N (nervously): you got your hair cut I think it looks cute

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Ryuko: NYA! GODDAMN IT WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!! Nya! AGGGHHHH!  Y/N (nervously): you got your hair cut I think it looks cute. Both Ryuko and Y/N then blushed in silence as she mouthed a thank you to him. Satsuki: yes but you see the problem is the cat ears and tail.

Y/N: yeah I noticed that too after the haircut sorry. Where's Senkestu? Ryuko: he's here sort of. Senkestu: we tried to transform using the life fibers and I was thinking of cats and accidentally transformed us like this.

Ryuko: we tried to transform NYA- after watching someone in a anime do it, I thought since Senkestu has changed forms before i could try to make a new one to help in the future NYA! Ryuko with a angry and embarrassed face: please help me undo this Y/N.

Satsuki: I don't know I think your much cuter this way, much happier. Ryuko: Sis! Don't you — (She was cut off by Satsuki waving a cat toy around and Ryuko kept pawing at it and chasing it.) Y/N's inner thoughts: this way cuter then what I imagined. Y/N: I don't really know if there's anything I can do. Ryuko: please I'm begging NYA! Y/N: ok I'll try. Y/N places his life fiber hand on Ryuko's head as they both blush.

Satsuki: hmm nothing maybe try touching her cat ears. Y/N touched one of the cat ears and Ryuko flinched punching Y/N in the gut. Ryuko: there super sensitive! Y/N tried again touching the cat ears gently when suddenly the life fibers of his hand began reacting and tiny thread like tendrils enter Ryuko's cat ear.

Y/N was confused and freaking out and as his hand felt stuck. The tendrils went into Ryuko cat ears and she shook each time beginning to moan very suggestively. Both the teens blushed and Satsuki quickly took her keys and said: well I have to get to work, you two make sure not to go to far.

I'm not ready to be a aunt yet! both teens amazed by Satsuki's speed and sentence begin to freak out and blush even more. Ryuko continued to moan strange noises as Y/N tried to stop his arm from doing whatever it was doing. After 10 minutes of both of them giving it their all Y/N's hand returned and Ryuko fell asleep in his lap.

Y/N's inner thoughts: that just happened. I cleaned her ears by removing random life fiber stuff that's it. I don't know what to do here. Y/N began stroking Ryuko's head and looking at her sleeping face feeling like he was giant creep. He saw her lips and for a second lowered his head near them. Ryuko began to shake as she was having a nightmare. She called out for someone, anyone to save her.

Y/N did his best to comfort her without waking her and whispering. Ryuko (sleep talking): Y/N you dummy, your so short. Come on Y/N let's go after that guy. Ryuko then turned to her side and with incredible strength wrapped Y/N with her hands and feet.

Y/N's inner thoughts: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Don't freak out! Don't freak out! Keep it cool man!!! She powered up from this transformation I can't budge!!! They both lay on the floor as Ryuko peacefully dreamed and Y/N was trying to keep his heart from bursting out of his chest. Eventually he fell asleep as well and woke up a couple hours later in Ryuko's bed.

Confused Y/N got up and was about to leave when he saw there were two doors. Y/N went through the right door and as he did he saw Ryuko naked with a towel on her head as she had been drying her hair and cat ears. Y/N face and entire body turned tomato red and Ryuko who had turned to see Y/N as she did the same.

Ryuko (embarrassed and in shock):...
Y/N embarrassed and in shock nervously stuttering: Im sorry.
Ryuko meowed as she punched Y/N in face while screaming no! in embarrassment.

Y/N woke up again this time on the couch with Ryuko next to him watching a movie. Ryuko blushing: a single word about what you saw and your dead, forget that happened. Y/N still suffering from a concussion and blushing: I think your beautiful. Ryuko blushed even more not saying anything but eating some pop corn. Y/N's inner thoughts: why'd I say that! Good job idiot you made things awkward!

Y/N then turned to see Ryuko crying. Y/N inner thoughts: WHAT DO I DO!!????!!!!??!???????!????

Y/N: Ryuko you ok. Ryuko said nothing but kept crying. Y/N's inner thoughts: welp it's ok I've been punched before. He then embraces Ryuko in a hug. Y/N: we've both been through allot recently, we've lost and gained things recently.

I'm so glad I met you, and at the same time I'm sorry for getting you into all this heartache and pain. I endangered your friends, lost control of myself, got you and you sister hurt and see things that no one should have to see. But ive has allot of fun and adventure with you, I've made more friends, found people like me and gained something greater then power.

He starts wiping away her tears Please don't cry Ryuko. I can take any super-villain trying to kill me rip, my arms of legs off, or just destroy the world but I can't bear to see you cry. I've made allot of mistakes and lost people before but I don't ever want to lose you. Ryuko I LO— (he was cut off with Ryuko turning and kissing him passionately) Y/N's inner thoughts: ( )
his mind was blank and all he could feel was the beating in his heart and Ryuko kissing him.

As the two separated and Y/N tried to catch his breath he looked at Ryuko. Y/N: That was awesome. Ryuko then pounced on Y/N as the two landed off the couch and Ryuko was on Y/N's chest her shirt hanging downwards. Y/N: um Ryuko you ok? Senkestu: Y/N it appears Ryuko has gone into heat and has no control of her actions. I suggest you run.

Ryuko then put both her hands which were now claws on either side of the floor next to Y/N's head cracking the ground tiles behind him. Ryuko purred and her eyes glowed red. Y/N: um Ryuko please stop, I'm not ready for this we're not dating yet please.

Ryuko then passionately French kissed Y/N again for over 5 minutes draining the oxygen from his lungs. Y/N out of breath: god help me please. Y/N then grabbed and squeezed Ryuko's tail making her moan suggestively as he got up quickly and ran for the front door.

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