Cutting the cord within ones heart part 7

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Ryagos head began to regenerate as she said:
What's wrong with you, how are you unfazed after finally learning the truth.

Ryuko: the truth is I'm a teenager and like any I have a over exaggerated self esteem and view on myself and the world. But the real truth hidden in my heart is the love for my friends and my real family! The people who are just as flawed as I am but they do their best out of love and make me stronger!!!!

She punches multiple holes in Ryago and sends her flying.

Ryuko: I'm not scared of family because my family is always with me! I feel guilty of never knowing my dad but I thank him and love him for all he did for me! I love my sister for who she is and what she does!

Ryuko: I can be scared, sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough and I don't deserve all I've been blessed with. Sometimes I wish I could have loved you and had you and my father and sister together as a family but I did what was right!

Ryuko: For every doubt, every fear, every little insecurity and bit of hatred there's so much love that beats all of that and makes me who I am, not your daughter but Ryuko Matoi! I have allot of people that I love and that's why I know your full of crap and we're he moment you opened your mouth.

Suddenly all of Ryukos friends and real family showed Y/N's extended family, Mako and her family, Satsuki and the elite four, nudists beach, Akio, Nana, the old ladies, Sasori, Senkestu.

Ryukos family all attacked destroying Ryago as she screamed.

Ryuko: Ryago I'm going to marry Y/N, I'm not asking for your approval but I just want you to know I found love and this love is why we're going to beat you and Rion. This love is the one thread that will never be cut.

Ryuko charged in punching the remains of Ryago into non existence.

Y/N voice: that was great we defeated whatever druggy deep philosophical Darkness was in your heart. And I heard you love me which is amazing and I want to hear for the rest of my
Life over and over till I die not in a weird way tho. The death and the love you thing just to be clear I don't want either of those to be weird or sound weird or you know what imma stop this thought.

Ryuko: I think I got past some things thanks to you. Plus I think this has made me stronger.

Y/N: hey don't thank me I'm all part of your subconscious and heart/soul here. This was a team effort but also your love and compassion that did it.

Ryuko: quick question before I wake up do you think the real you will be able to do this after we escape or in the future.

Y/N: do what? Oh the transforming into clothes thing! Looks like we found one of your kinks Ryuko that's very interesting!

Ryuko blushing in embarrassment: shut up or I'll make you all wet and sticky.

Y/N teasing: OH please do.

Ryuko embarrassed further: That's not what I meant!

Y/N: sure it isn't you naughty girl!

Ryuko: the real Y/N doesn't speak like that!

Y/N: but you really wish he did speak like that don't you.

Ryuko pouting: Shut up.

Y/N: I'm pretty sure it's possible and will happen in the future if either of us confess and who knows maybe afterwards real me might speak like that.

Ryuko: I'll make sure too don't worry. The actual wedding will have to wait for a long time but when it does come it'll be amazing.

Y/N: love you Ryuko.

Ryuko: I love you too. I'll try to make this dream into a reality.

Ryuko then woke up in her cell in reality seeing her restraints were all damaged and broken by strange roots and spikes covering her entire cell room, Ryuko got up and walked to the door and the roots and vines moved away letting Ryuko through. Ryuko then looked to see the dead bodies and more of the strange roots and vines everywhere. She quickly followed the path as all the strange material moved letting her through aaa she made it to Y/N's room.

Ryuko saw all the strange things rusting from Y/N's body and she quickly approached him trying to wake him.

Ryuko: Y/N wake up! (She shook him but nothing was working)

Ryuko: They did something to you Y/N, You have to fight it! Please Y/N I'm not losing you!

Ryuko then rested her forehead on Y/N's forehead and hugged him.

Ryuko: we're both naked but I'm the one who's embarrassed so you better take responsibility for this.

Suddenly Ryukos skin created life fiber threads that began to wrap around both of them and also injected themselves into Y/N's body combing with his life fibers.

Y/N's strange vines and and roots then covered the two in one giant cocoon.

Ryuko then woke up in Y/N's mind.

Male reader x ryuko Matoi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now