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Izumi watched her students doing their work and she payed attention to Ryuko matoi and Y/N. Ryuko had already finished her work and was daydreaming and rested her head on top off Y/N's who was struggling with the work and doodling on the paper. Izumi would approach and help Y/N while scolding Mako and Ryuko for goofing off. She observed Ryuko and Y/N the most.

She remembered months ago, when she had been on the search for her father which led her to a secret government facility. She infiltrated the place in search of her father and instead she found a building under massive attack by a couple of kids.

Izumi hid in the shadows and watched as the boy with demon like powers cleared his way through the hallways of soldiers with his bare fists. He followed the boy and his two female allies and watched them fly off with something or someone they stole from the compound. Izumi didn't care but she watched the three fly off into the distance and be blasted by a heavy anti aircraft gun stationed at the top of the building. Izumi looked to who fired the shot and she saw her father there.

She wanted to kill him, she wanted to rip his head from his shoulders for all he had done to her and her mother but her entire body shook with fear. She kept the guards full body uniform she stole of one the men she knocked out and pretended to be a soldier and followed his orders to get reinforcements. Izumi felt her hands shaking, she couldn't do it. She couldn't kill him.

So she calmly pretended to follow orders when her father left to go after those kids he had shot out of the sky. She ran, realizing what she did was foolish. She snuck into a heavily guarded secret government compound to kill her father but she knew she couldn't kill him, she didn't have the strength to do it and even if she pulled it off this would have been a suicide mission either way.

Izumi his and left the compound running away but she stopped, she saw the prisoners in the facility, some of the people that those kids saved were free but there were thousands more in the underground part of the facility all being tortured by her father and the government. Izumi ran to the underground facility and began to slaughter all the soldiers, scientist and whoever else was responsible as she destroyed control panels and machines everywhere freeing the thousands of prisoners.

The chaos erupted and the facility was going to be destroyed so Izumi left the facility and ran to where she saw massive shockwaves taking place. She ran to help the kids she saw who had been shot out of the sky. As Izumi got closer and closer she ran into these tortured and corrupted human life fiber monsters begging and screaming in pain for death. She fought her way through them but stayed hidden. She couldn't kill her father alone, but maybe at the very least she could save those kids.

By the time she reached where the battle was taking place and she saw a cocoon, her father and two girls.

The cocoon then exploded with flames as a enormous fire ball swallowed the entire valley like a nuclear bomb dropping the blast radius stretched far with Satsuki getting caught in it damaging her exo suit and burning/melting through allot of her armor but she survived mostly unharmed with a couple burn marks. The creatures around satsuki didn't survive all of them were burned to ash.

Satsuki quickly tore of the melted and burned pieces of the suit which would slow her down or harm her. The man in the cloak stopped smiling as a drop of blood hit the ground. Y/N had blasted his way out of the cocoon with fire before the man in the cloaks life fibers fully took control of his body. Y/N stood there with his other hands knuckles bleeding.

The man in the cloak: you maggot I could have saved your life, I could have made you a beautiful warrior a true hero with true power and given you a new hand. You rejected all that and choose to hurt me!!! A piece of filth making me bleed, I'll make sure your family suffers in eternal torture as I rip them apart and sew them together again!!!!!! Y/N smiling: got you.

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