New and old threads reunite part 2

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Y/N's Grandmother: (enourmous blocky red letters appear in thin air G/N WORLDS STRONGEST GRANDMOTHER) Chibi Y/N in fear, panic and confusion: THE LETTERS ARE BACK!!! Silently junketsu thought to himself: so I'm not crazy those things have been actually appearing, I wish I could talk to them about it. Ryuko and satsuki invite the old woman inside and Sasori upon seeing the old woman feels his entire body and gaze trapped in slow motion as he is fixed on her gaze.

Sasori nervously welcomes her and says he'll make some tea for everyone. The two sister sit down to talk to G/N as Ryuko holds Chibi Y/N in her lap with her arms around him. Satsuki: it is nice to meet you ma'am we are Y/N's friends and as you can see he's been transformed into a child. G/N: thank you for taking care of my grandson, I appreciate it, his mother and sister have told me about you two. The Matoi sisters right? Ryuko and Satsuki: yes that's us.

G/N: you two are strong I can tell. You three have clearly and are still fighting something, tell me the story and how it connects to my son. Ryuko then started from the beginning of her story with life fibers and her father to Y/N transforming into a child (of course she left out the embarrassing and awkward stuff). G/N sipped on Sasori's tea and complimented Sasori on it making him blush.

G/N: Ryuko you speak about my grandson with so much care in your voice, you two have been through allot, id like to apologize for his recklessness. Also if you and Y/N decide to get married after high school you have my blessings. Ryuko then blushed unable to speak. G/N: aww that's cute, your like a maiden with the strength of a warrior. I was the same when I met his grandfather. Satsuki just laughed at her sisters cuteness in that instance.

G/N: in my travels around this world I have seen allot, aliens like me, monsters and magic unique to this world, strange and ancient secrets buried in the earth all over. At first it was a hobby something to do to distract from my own sons death. I wasn't the best mother, I was created by god knows what to be a mix of many species and when I had kids I thought that maybe they didn't have to be so unsure and lost. I wanted to protect them from the pain and suffering I had witnessed, I... I failed to save my son.

Then I foolishly left my remaining daughter and my grandchildren out of fear that I'd lose them or hurt them. I went to find a cure for my daughter so she wouldn't end up like her brother and I came close but never found a real one. I learned about the life fibers and more about what I was as I trained to prepare for any threat that would attack the earth. Ryuko: I'm sorry for your loss ma'am. G/N: thank you, you know I fought your mother before. Ryuko and satsuki: you did?!?!

G/N: yes multiple times but I could never finish her off because she was like me I thought I could save her and bring her back to the light. I was wrong, so I spent a couple years tracking her and destroying her facilities and many plans. I was about to catch up to her when she threatened my family so I backed off. She even claimed she had a cure to my daughters sickness that she would give to me on the condition I don't interfere with her for a couple months.

Then you two defeated her and saved the planet amazingly I might add. Satsuki: so after all this time why show up now back to your family? G/N: my grandson called out to me. The three then looked at the Chibi Y/N In Ryuko's arms. Chibi Y/N (tears): grandma you heard me, I missed you soo much!

G/N then took Chibi Y/N in her arms and held him saying: I'm sorry for all that harsh training I put you through in the past, the fights with your mother and leaving you two for so long. Chibi Y/N: it's ok grandma I forgive you! Ryuko smiling: so this version of Y/N called you. G/N: yes. One thing my powers allow me to do is transform into a form for multiple uses like which ways to best use my potential. The ability has passed down to my grandkids it seems.

Ryuko: so he can change back? G/N: yes but it's more complicated then that, it's more then a transformation it's an extension of oneself. This Y/N and the Y/N you know may be very very similar but they are two different personas/personalities with two different forms in the same body. Y/N is a teenager so at this age the transformation process is still developing so when he transforms its into a child.

The transformation process could evolve into anything and even have multiple stages but right now it's still developing. Satsuki: like a second puberty? G/N: you could say that. This process occurs in a unspecified amount of time and has multiple trigger and factors that affect his growth. I thought that his fathers human blood would have changed his dna so he wouldn't have to go through the process but this shows the opposite, Y/N is changing into something else maybe even stronger then what my transformation did.

Ryuko: so this baby Y/N will change when the process is over and the other Y/N will remain the same and he can just transform between them? G/N: both Y/N's will experience some sort of change but this is uncharted territory for all of us, so there's no telling what extent he'll transform or even when he could transform. Ryuko: so he's stuck like this till he transforms? G/N: yes. So for now I'll leave him in your care but my main reason for being here is to help you with this Rion mess.

I can train the 3 of you to become far strong and I'll tag along to rip this bastard apart limb from limb for taking my grandchild's arm. Ryuko: let's get started on training then! G/N: sure, let me see the strength of my future granddaughters in law! Ryuko and satsuki: let's do it! Chibi Y/N (pumps both fists in the air): training time! Wait — I have to use the bathroom first. The little guy then went to the bathroom while the two sisters and G/N prepared for their sparing match.

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