Wraped into a ball of crime part 1

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As the weeks went by and summer came satsuki admired the new headquarters which was using the cities underground cave system which she had discovered had been used centuries ago during a alien invasion for humans and aliens alike.

These caves were here and they had secrets hidden in them such as paintings and personal items from centuries ago. Satsuki discovered them after Ryuko and Y/N who had been hitting every warehouse with Nana and Akio to find info on Rion and find out how to restore Akios crime empire were attacked with high level weaponry even for life fiber standards and Y/N saved Ryuko from a blast as he was buried in rock with the explosion but tunneled his way down only to find these caves which seemed endless.

You could fit a entire city down here and there was no telling how far down they went. Satsuki took the remainder of nudist beach and used Matoi industries money to build headquarters, shelters, and a complete war prep bunker/armory in case of a invasion. The price was expensive costing trillions but Matoi industries had not shortage of wealth since Satsuki and the elite four had taken over and nudist beach apparently had people who owed them allot of favors and allot of money.

Satsuki even managed to get the elite four to hack the government and found some of the many off shore accounts Rion had to keep the government his playthings so she used those as well. Ryuko holding Chibi Y/N stood in amazement at the cute as everyone looked around the massive cave system seeing all the tech, weapons, vehicles, and supplies in the event of a invasion or catastrophe.

Satsuki simply smiled proudly with the elite four with her. Ryuko: this place is awesome! Chibi Y/N: it's like Batman! I wanna be Batman! Ryuko: come on little guy I think if your more of a robin. Chibi Y/N then began to talk about the many robins and his favorite one and comics and movies while Ryuko listened. Nana and Akio who were training up above with Nana's grandmother and G/N were getting one sidedly beaten.

G/N: Akio your strong but your still to unsure in your movements, there is no time for hesitation. Nana's grandmother: Akio sometimes the best offense is defense. Akio: isn't the saying the best defense is the offense old lady! Nana: I'm not hesitating, I'm planning on my feet! The two girls charge attacking both old women and then switching opponents back and forth so they were less open however the two grandmothers easily saw through the tactic and knocked both girls down to the ground in defeat.

Nana and Akio: DAMMIT! G/N: don't be so hard on yourself you have a long way to go but when we were your age we weren't even close to the level of strength you two currently possess so that speaks volumes for the potential you two have.

Nana's grandmother Chie: that is very true, but when we were at our prime we were far stronger then we are now and that means you two can even surpass us at our strongest if you train hard enough. Akio: that's nice to know but we don't have hundreds of years to train and get old! Rion could make a move any day now! Nana: we need to get stronger faster if we're going to fight him.

G/N disappointed: like I told Ryuko and Y/N there are no shortcuts you have to work for it the two of them have been training hard but they haven't overstressed themselves with that burden of failing. That's why with recent training sessions they're increase is greater then you two. Those two have learned to not pressure themselves with the weight and fear of failing.

My grandson is a bumbling fool just like his father always carrying the weight of the world and everyone's worries on his shoulders but this child form has given him the ability to let go and just live in the moment. That's what you two need to do, stop worrying about what if you fail don't let that pressure eat you alive. Akio: easy for you to say you weren't one of the bad guys till now.

Nana: you know Y/N and Ryuko forgave you for being a jerk you don't have to carry that guilt with you anymore. Akio: shut up! There's allot I have to make up for, I don't deserve to just let it go and smile and be happy like the rest of you. Nana: Ryuko was right you are dense, listen we all have mistakes and sins we have to make up for or regret but your not alone anymore so stop acting like your alone.

Akio: oh really then what's your excuse. Nana: I'm afraid of losing the people I care about, I'm afraid that I'll fail my family and this stupid bloodline curse will never leave. I'm afraid that I'm not good enough to remove the curse. Akio then slapped Nana saying: we're a couple of idiots. Nana slapped Akio back laughing saying: yeah we are . The two sparred one on one as the grandmothers watched. After awhile the two tired from their sparring session had been laughing and bonding together.

Akio: that was fun but while we've been screwing around Matoi has been getting close with Y/N. Temporary alliance to mess with her and get Y/N time for ourselves? She extends her hand out and Nana shake it agreeing saying: yes, let's pull some pranks on Ryuko she deserves one after making me drink that hot sauce. Akio: what do you have in mind?

Nana: nothing to bad maybe drawing on her face when she's asleep, teaming against her during training maybe a wedgie or something. Akio faces lit up with a devilish grin: it's been awhile since I've given someone one of those let's do that first. The two girls laughed conspiring against their friend and then talked about how the other could improve their fighting style.

The two grandmothers who had left awhile ago for their own training wondered how well those two were getting along as they fought demons entering through a portal in the Forrest.

Meanwhile Ryuko and normal Y/N was sparring with Satsuki and they decided to call it for the day so they didn't break anything in the cave. Ryuko was chatting with Y/N about how even though they had busted these warehouses they had made little progress to finding the guy in the white suit and Rion. Satsuki: there's nothing we can do until somebody slips up so we just have to wait for now. Ryuko: I wish it didn't take so long though.

Y/N inner thoughts: I wonder how long I can stay like this before kid me decides to come back. So far it's been almost a hour. Ryuko and satsuki who were busy chatting about where to go regarding finding Rion watched the elevator descend wit Nana and Akio who seemed cheerful. Y/N sipped on the juice box Ryuko had given him approaching the girls ready to ask how their training went when suddenly the two both hugged Ryuko.

Ryuko embarrassed: wow this awkward guys, what happened you ok? Suddenly the two girls revealed the devilish look in their eyes as Nana grabbed Ryuko's blue and white striped panties from the back and Akio grabbed from the front and they both pull upwards with all their strength in a double atomic ripping wedgie. Y/N: watching this did a spit take with his juice box as he saw Ryuko's torn underwear fall off and saw her legs along other things and felt his face burn red.

Ryuko then embarrassed and angry gave the other two girls ripping wedgies from the front. Y/N's inner thoughts: think about glowing nipples and sausages and not about how hot what I saw was!!!!!!! Stop!!!! Stop being a goddamn pervert scum you stupid brain!!!! Suddenly in a explosion of smoke Y/N he reached his limit and transformed back into Chibi Y/N who started to cry that his juice box juice was all over the ground.

The girls quickly stopped what they were doing and proceeded to fight over who would get Y/N a new lunch box while Satsuki picked Chibi Y/N up placing him on her shoulders and going upstairs to get him a new juice box and make dinner. Satsuki: normal high school girls are something else. Chibi Y/N: I wish they would be friends they promised me they would. Satsuki: don't worry little Y/N they are getting their in their own strange way. Now do you wanna help me make dinner.

Chibi Y/N raised both fists in the air motivated to help while the three girls had started a new sparring session with each other. The next couple weeks was a endless prank war between the three girls with Satsuki and Chibi Y/N occasionally joining in until the prank war stopped when a new lead had come up about the man in the white suit as a picture of him appeared on the dark web for a shipment of special grade weapons with a unanimous client.

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