Thread carefully part 1

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Mako was bawling her eyes out talking even faster apologizing for how her body was moving on it's own attacking Satsuki. She spoke about how she had no idea how she'd make this work with her a Gamagoori and how she liked wearing different clothes.

Mako continued her speech onslaught talking about how she wanted to attack the guy who gave her these life fibers and wanted to help Satsuki and Ryuko and be like them and save the day. Ryuko charged in between the two clashes and hugged Mako. Mako in tears: Ryuko don't touch me you'll get hurt! Ryuko: it's ok Mako.

The suit began to attack Ryuko and Ryuko didn't fight back making Mako cry even louder trying to fight with the life fibers inside of her. Mako: I won't let you hurt Ryuko!!!! Ryuko: keep fighting Mako! Senketsu: you can win Mako, the life fibers are just afraid! Mako still in tears: I can hear senketsu now this is amazing!

I will fight! Satsuki: you ok Ryuko! Ryuko: don't worry sis I'm fine, Mako wouldn't hurt me that bad. Satsuki: where's Y/N? Ryuko: he saw a Takoyaki cart and went to get some. Suddenly Makos eyes flowed with excitement at one of her favorite foods being mentioned. Mako: Takoyaki?!

I won't let this life fiber stop me from eating Takoyaki with my best friend!!! Mako then screamed separating the suit from herself and the life fiber became unconscious screaming and infusing with Mako and becoming a tattoo on her back. Ryuko found the bag of clothes they bought earlier and helped Mako change while Mako began talking up a storm to Senkestu and trying to ask the mute Junketsu to speak.

Y/N then arrived with four bags of Takoyaki. Y/N: I got some for everyone, I can't be the only one hungry after all that. Ryuko smiled and both Mako and Satsuki teased her while the oblivious Y/N was busy thinking about ketsu.

Ryuko went up to Y/N saying don't worry we'll get ketsu back, that bastard probably escaped by now but he left us a clue. Your life fibers help him locate you right, then that means we can do the same to find ketsu. We'll keep training and then go after him. Y/N smiled: thanks.

So anyway, can we still buy stuff from the mall because I want to buy my mom and sis a present from the mall, I also want to buy you all presents. Ryuko: we both know you can't afford that. Y/N: I wanted to try you know. Satsuki: don't worry about that you've given us enough gifts but I think we can help you with getting your mom and sister a gift.

Later that day she sent a letter of acceptance to Y/N's sister to the school she had created a year ago after the battle with Ryago, the school was named after Satsuki's and Ryuko's father and was a prestigious school. Additionally Y/N with the help of the two sisters bought his mother jewelry and clothing.

Y/N thanked the two sister tremendously for all they did and Satsuki invited him to the Christmas party. Both Ryuko and Y/N wanted to get each other good Christmas presents but still had no idea what to give each other. That night Y/N's mother went to his room and said to give her this silver bracelet. She said it was the first gift Y/N's father had given her when they met.

It was a memory she kept with her since he had gotten it for her during a festival. Y/N tried explain why he couldn't do that, because of how it meant to his mother but she argued otherwise saying she saw Ryuko constantly by Y/N's side when he was injured the first time and when he lost his arm. She wouldn't leave his side, always worried and caring.

Y/N's mother said she was a good girl with honest feeling towards him and she had seen how Y/N would react every time Ryuko was mentioned, he clearly cared for her but was too shy to say anything just like his father. Y/N's mother: son give it to her, she cares for you as much as you do for her so don't worry too much about what can go wrong.

Y/N: thanks mom I'll do it. Y/N: now I know your going to this party but be careful ok, I know I would love to have grandchildren but even at this age it's still way too early. Y/N blushed in embarrassment telling his mother not to worry. Meanwhile Ryuko sat on her bed thinking about what to get Y/N.

The Christmas party was in a couple days and she had no idea what to get him. Satsuki and Mako had picked out a bunch of clothes and manga since he said he loved manga before. Ryuko sat there thinking, maybe she could cook him something but the problem was she couldn't cook. She was briefly thought of kissing him again but was too embarrassed to try that again.

She then wondered if they started dating where they go from that, getting married? Having children? Making children!?!?!? Ryuko tried dispelling those thoughts thinking she should give him something meaningful to her. Ryuko went through her closet and brought out a box with her fathers bags stuff he had left with her over the years.

She rummaged through the notes and old designs finding a old heigh tech watch prototype. Ryuko remembered this prototype her father had worn it the couple times she had seen him in his life before he had died. About 2 years before his murder he left it at Ryuko's boarding school dorm as he was visiting. Ryuko remembered arguing with him, not understanding him and why he never interacted with her or let his own daughter get to know her father.

Ryuko: dad I think I found a good guy. Satsuki: you definitely have, giving him our fathers watch huh? Ryuko: yes. Satsuki: maybe we can have the watch be apart of his prosthetic arm I'll have the elite four upgrade it without changing the physical appearance and then give it to Y/N.

Ryuko: thanks sis. The two sister hug and go have dinner together. Meanwhile with Rion standing outside Y/N's house: today was fun, hopefully you'll be strong enough to face what's coming next. Rion ran the door bell and left quickly. Y/N and his mother come to the door to see a big basket of beauty products at the door step with a note. The note read: Merry Christmas!

The bells have been rung and the time is approaching, joy to the world the saint has come. Y/N's mother: from what you told me then this must be a trap or blackmail of some sorts of this Rion person right? Y/N's mother then threw the basket in the garbage can and burned the garbage can.

Y/N then turned on the defense system Satsuki had set up for his house Incase anyone tried to attack or get in. Y/N: don't worry mom we'll get this guy. Y/N's mother: I'm not worried about that just make sure beat the crap out of him for stealing my baby's arm. Y/N: don't worry mom I got that covered.

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