Sewn bonds part 4

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Ryuko charged the creature drop kicking it into one of the fast food chains. Ryuko: Y/N you ok?! Y/N: thanks Ryuko—! (Y/N had never seen Ryuko in senketsus original form except when she entered his mind but he had no memory of that moment.

Ever since she got Senkestu back she had been wearing a more armored and less revealing version of combat mode. But this time Ryuko was in senkestus original combat mode but with extra armor around the hands, head and chest.

Y/N blushed seeing the revealing combat suit. Ryuko quickly pushed Y/N out of the way as the creature threw a fryer at them. They both managed the dodge it but Y/N looked to see Ryuko chest on his face. They quickly backed off both blushing deeply.

Y/N trying to avoid what just happened: thanks for the save Ryuko! Y/N (Much more nervously): nice suit, I think you look cute. Ryuko began to blush quickly embarrassed and wanting to roll into a ball. Both of them were then interrupted by the flying creature which grabbed Y/N by its talons again flying through the mall up another floor while Ryuko flew after them.

Ryuko: hold on Y/N! Y/N inner thoughts: I should have called her hot but I couldn't say it. Damm it you idiot! Play it cool calling a girl cute is good right and she is super cute. He was so distracted by his thoughts he didn't notice the creature being smashed in the head with a fire extinguisher by Satsuki.

The creature fell landing into a toy stand with Y/N landing in a pile of dolls. Y/N got up thanking Satsuki. Satsuki: no problem just keep this creature away from my presents from the elite four. Y/N: you got it. Ryuko then flew in with a super speed right hook knocking the creature to the other side of the mall.

Ryuko: what is this thing! Y/N: it was created by Rion, somehow he knew I was in a office building working to pay off some damages I caused while fighting other super villains in exo suits when Rion called for a large order of shipments and threatened everyone. So I went to the roof and my arm started reacting weirdly and then this guy attacked me.

Satsuki and Ryuko: that makes no sense. Y/N: I know ( he then jumps and punches the creature into a clothing brand store. Ryuko: so it heals, did you find any weakness? Y/N: yeah my flames hurt it more then anything else but I can't let loose without hurting other people or damaging things around me.

Satsuki: the police are sure to arrive soon let's finish this quickly. Ryuko: do you have junketsu? Suddenly Satsuki's outfit began to change as junketsus eye revealed on Satsukis dress. Ryuko: I wonder why he doesn't talk. Satsuki: who knows but he's a good ally and quite different then he was before. Y/N: cool let's destroy this thing.

Suddenly the creature charged again but Satsuki transformed and punched it into the ground and with great speed ran dragging its bodies across the wall and throwing it back to food court. She grabbed the creature by the head slamming it into a deep fryer before kicking the creature into the wall. Satsuki: you two take care of the others! I'll handle this one.

Y/N and Ryuko: of course there are others. Suddenly two more creatures jumped down from the ceiling one stood at 8 feet tall and was more muscular and less bird like. The 2nd creature had blades all around it's body and was even taller but it was much more slender and twitching allot.

Ryuko: take your pick, I call the big muscular one. Y/N: can we fight them together, the blade one is kinda creeping me out, I have a bad experience with horrible twitching creatures. Ryuko: care to tell me about these. Y/N shuddered: too many horror movie like scenarios for a life time. Ryuko: I love horror movies.

Y/N: I like watching them not living them. The creatures screamed bored with the two of them talking attacking in that instance. The two began fighting as Ryuko sucker punched the muscular creature into the bladed creature. Y/N then kicked both of them into another store and shot a blast of fire out of his hand. Y/N: Rion is somewhere watching. Ryuko flew in transforming her hands into blasters firing energy with both hands.

Ryuko: he's probably tracking you through your new life fiber hand. Or he's a creeped with cameras everywhere. Y/N: maybe he can also see through these things eyes? You think he'll feel what they feel? Ryuko: let's give them a good beating then! Y/N: You got it! They both smashed their fists into the creatures faces sending them flying.

Y/N took out his sword and slashes both of them while Ryuko blasted them away. The two of them ran at the monsters this time Ryuko was handed Y/N's sword, she revved it up slashing the monsters multiple times at fast as she could in every direction. Y/N then charged with a fist full of flames blasting the cut up creatures with a giant explosive blast of fire.

Ryuko: don't worry about the damages Satsuki can handle it, I'm pretty sure she was planning on buying this mall anyway. Y/N: thank god for rich people, I don't have to hold back then! The flame explosion increased in intensity turning both creatures into ash. Ryuko: nice. Suddenly the two ash piles reforming into one bigger creature both muscular and with blades all over and two heads. Ryuko: round two then! Y/N: this is fun!

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