Nana master Sorceress!

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Infinite Vortex!

Nana rose from the depths of the swirling vortex.

Suddenly a half fish monster half cyborg looking thing emerged from the ocean.

Nana: What are you?

The fish monster cyborg: B5! AND YOU NANA ARE MY APPETIZER!!! Y/N IS MY MAIN COURSE!!

Nana: I'll serve you on a platter before you get the chance.

Nana: Inverted Chains!!!

Suddenly everything shifted as B5 began to fall towards the sky while Nana began to fly into the ocean.

A set of chains appeared connecting Nana's leg to B5's.

Droplets began to rain from the ocean into the sky a strange reverse rain.

B5 growled: I can control water as well!

Water began to all float to him till he was in a bubble of water.

Nana: Invert!

Nana rose from the water standing on a pillar of water stabbing through B5's chest.

B5 choked and coughed up blood.

Nana: Where are we?

B5: It doesn't matter.

Suddenly his blood turned into small thorn daggers stabbing Nana in the arms and legs.

Nana: Poisoned Blood magic. Great just great.

Nana fell back into the water her blood soaking the water.

The spike through B5's chest vanished and he dropped into the water headfirst with his jaw open.

Nana smiled as soon as B5 hit the surface of the water her blood wrapped around him.

The blood began to trap B5 in a red crystal like orb that floated on the water.

B5 clawed and punched the orb but he couldn't break through it.

Nana emerged landing on top of the crystal orb.

Nana: I know blood magic too. Time to fry fish man.

The crystal ball began to steam and B5 screamed in pain his skin drying out and his cybernetic body heating up.

Nana: We're in the past aren't we.

B5 continued screaming.

Nana then jumped and watched a Megalodon jump out of the water and consumed the orb with B5 in it.

Then another bigger creature came consuming the Megalodon in one bite.

Nana: Wow.

The creature's eyes glowed red and it attacked Nana.

Nana: That's alarming.

Nana created a magic shield blocking the monsters attack.

Nana: I don't think science has a name for you yet big guy?

The creature was about 200 feet long and had a massive mouth full of teeth, a body full of scales and shark like features.

Nana dodged the monsters snapping mouth and then it's massive tail.

Nana: How do i get back to my time?

Nana then realized she needed B5.

She played around with the creature dodging its bites and striking it in the open making it mad.

She waited till just the right moment and let the creature swallow her whole.

Suddenly the creatures body exploded into chunks and the Megalodon as well leaving a half fish half cybernetic head of B5 in Nana's grasp.

Nana: Please tell me your time machine wasn't in your body.

B5: It wasn't.

Nana: Good your going to tell me how to get out of here and why your attacking us or I'll find some bigger fish that'll have you as their snack.

B5: My magic poison it was supposed to kill you.

Nana: To be honest your a amateur, I've faced stronger opponents then you before.

B5: You used your magic not just on your blood but the ocean when you inverted us at the beginning of the fight.

Nana: That's right I poisoned the water specifically for you consuming your magic and then the blood prison increased it tenfold. When you took control of that bigger sea creature you just made it worse for yourself since controlling something that big takes incredible amounts of magical power. You never stood a chance.

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