Sewn bonds part 2

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Y/N lay in bed holding his phone with his new arm scrolling through YouTube as he contemplated what he should do. He wanted to get Ryuko a Christmas present, but he was nervous as well as unsure what to get her. He debated what he should get her.

He wanted to tell her his feelings for her but he was afraid. He could fight all sorts of monsters and loses, even lose his arm but telling the girl he loved his feeling that terrified him way more. Y/N then heard sirens in the distance. He got up and ran to his closet taking out the red, black and white combat suit that Satsuki and elite four had made for him to use as a new costume.

Satsuki even let Y/N keep the sword she handed him when he went to fight Rion. He also kept the sword in his closet and had it upgraded with the alien materials he had making it even sharper, stronger and with the strength to help wield his flame powers. Y/N put on the suit and grabbed the sword, opened his window and jumped out.

Meanwhile Ryuko lay in bed with her bunny pajamas while senketsu was resting on the ironing board after he had just been ironed. Ryuko: senketsu I need your help. Senkestu: this is about getting Y/N a Christmas present right? Ryuko blushed: yeah but I don't know what to get him, or how I'll give it to him. I would ask Satsuki but she would just tease me.

Senkestu: how about Mako? Ryuko: makos has been busy dating gamagoori, I should call her and ask. Meanwhile Y/N was busy jumping into a burning building trying to get people out of there. Y/N used his arm to transform into a shield to protect people from the fire and when he came upon a little girl who was crying. Y/N picked the little girl up and ran to get her out when suddenly he was hit with a baseball bat to the face.

Y/N was getting back up wondering what just happened when suddenly the girl behind him transformed into a flaming monster that stood at 8 feet tall and picked him up by the head and threw him through a wall. The person with the baseball bat also transformed into a fiery towering monster. Y/N groaning: are you kidding me!

Ryuko: this is a serious situation Mako I need your help. Satsuki: it's been a little while since we went shopping together Ryuko. Ryoku: yeah things have been crazy for awhile, a breather every now and then is a good break to have.

Mako: it's been awhile with you two so much has happened my family got kidnapped while you two got back your senketsu and junketsu while Y/N has been a superhero and lost his arm and my dad bought me a Van after I got my license! Ryuko: besides all the life threatening stuff and traumatic experiences, there's been allot of fun.  Satsuki: so were shopping for some new clothes as well as what you want to give Y/N is that right.

Ryuko blushing: how'd you know? Mako: Ryuko it's very obvious you like him, pretty much everyone can notice it. Senkestu: Makos right it's pretty easy to notice. Ryuko puts her hands up to cover her face in embarrassment. Mako: it's ok we're going to get Y/an the best Christmas present ever that he'll fall so head over heels for you he'll propose on the spot! Ryuko: propose?!!!

Mako this is just a present! Satsuki: she won't need much to make him fall head over heels for her, he's already in love with her especially after that kiss. Mako excited with a spotlight on her: wait you two have kissed already!!! Ryuko: he doesn't remember that though. Satsuki: its surprising he would forget you kissing him for that long but he didn't retain any of the memories from when we entered that dimension.

Senkestu: don't worry I'm sure you both love each other greatly. Satsuki: I second this, also its quite strange being able to hear Senkestu now but it can be beneficial. Mako: Satsuki can hear Senkestu now!? That's unfair I want to listen to Senkestu too! Ryuko: sorry mako, maybe one day you'll be able to, anyway can we move on and just help me buy him a present. Mako don't you have to buy Gamagoori a present.

Mako: don't worry I already bought him one so I'm all good. What about you Satsuki? Satsuki: I have to buy the elite four and Sasori presents, I'm wondering what they would like. Ryuko: so I guess we're all throwing a Christmas party then?

Satsuki: yes I think that would be fun. Meanwhile with Y/N he was thrown through a window into a office cubicle. Y/N got up only to be blasted by a bolt of lightning into another cubicle. Y/N picked up a computer monitor and smashed it against the man in the stolen exo suit.

Y/N: seriously man, stealing a exo suit what would you need that for? ?: once I'm done with you, I'll rob a couple banks. Y/N: don't you think you aiming abit low, you have a exo suit. Y/N then appeared in front of the man with great speed and punched the exo suit so hard it broke through the floor sending the man now in a broken exo suit on top of a copy machine on the floor beneath them.

The man was knocked unconscious but just to be safe Y/N jumped landing on him and ripping parts of the exo suit out while crushing it so the man was trapped unable to escape. He looked around to see all the officer workers who continued their work while one of them approached Y/N scolding him and giving him a bill for the damages.

Y/N then spent 15 minutes arguing with the worker saying the super villain he just fought did this and that there were more of them, he should be greatful nobody got hurt or died. Worker: wait where are the others if he's not the only one.

Y/N: I took out the rest until they used some combined blast to shoot me through one of your cubicles, so just relax till the cops get here ok. I'm not charging you for being saved am I so why charge me for super villain damages bill these idiots. Worker: fine, then why don't you save us from another threat. Y/N: sure what is it. 5 mins later Y/N sat in a cubicle with a tie over his superhero suit as he began taking calls and trying to sell products for the new Kiryuin beauty products.

Y/N inner thoughts: maybe I should go to the mall. Worker: how many sales have you made? Y/N sighs getting back to work while thinking: please god can another super villain show up and attack me please, I'll take any of them even Rion right now. After 2 hours and multiple calls the phone began to ring and Y/N picked it up to hear Rion's voice: hello Y/N enjoying the office job?

Y/N: how the hell did you know this do you have spies and cameras everywhere?! Rion: I'll make this real simple, since it's Christmas time and all, I'll order a 10 thousand cases and let me speak to your manager or else everyone there will be killed. Y/N did as he was told and his manager took the phone. The manager seemed to shake in fear turning to Y/N saying: your relieved for the day and he said to go to the roof.

Y/N: he's threatening you and everyone here isn't he. The manager slowly shook his head. Y/N: don't worry I got this, I'll beat the crap out of him just relax ok. Thanks for the job man, I might be back in a couple years without the mask to apply so look forward to it.

Y/N: I never even got to go to the break room. Rion you bastard I'm gonna take both your arms as payback. Y/N stepped into the elevator and went to the top floor and he then took the stairs to the roof. Y/N: I wonder if he was serious about that order, that sounds ridiculous, what would he use that much beauty products for? Murder someone with all the chemicals? Maybe he's noticed how ugly he looks?

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