Fates second strand of despair

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Deep Pink and red skies with thundering green clouds with purple lightning.

A planet wrapped in threads. Forrest's and oceans now a mix of organic material and life fibers.

Enormous life fiber towers and trees grow past any mountain or skyscrapers heights. All over the planet is terraformed.

Y/N charges through a army of life fiber monsters sprouting from the ground. He runs through them at super speeds sending thousands of monsters flying apart in every direction in multiple pieces.

Y/N fights his way through a army of monsters blocking his way to the life fiber tower.

Behemoth life fiber demons drop from the tower down to the street attacking Y/N.

Y/N simply destroys them and moves forward at breakneck speeds.

Meanwhile Rion walks into the central throne room at the top of the tower carrying Ryuko and her friends on his shoulder.

Rion: What lovely decor, Ryuko honey its time to wake up from your nap.

Rion throws Ryuko and her friends onto the ground as he steps forward.

Suddenly two enormous beings form as the threads from the walls pull apart and string together to make two guards with life fiber swords which they stab through Rions chest.


Rion coughs blood and then cuts himself into strings and reforms away from the blades.

He bows on one knee.

Tower guards: you are a mutation, a abomination of mixed dna. YOU SULLY THE LIFE FIBERS WITH YOUR UGLY FLESH!

Rion: ok this is not going anywhere.

Rion turns both his arms into blades and launches them stabbing through both the tower guards chests.

Rion: I thought we could talk this out but this is fine to.

Tower guards: We are being absorbed?!

Rion: Yup, but don't worry it's for a good cause.

Rion then becomes taller and leaner as his blades glow rainbow bright.

Rion then steps towards the giant throne chair and looks at the symbol carved into it.

Rion raises his arm up in front of the symbol and shoots threads out of his palms into the throne. The throne glows with white light and the entire room rearranges and twists shifting and locking in place as if the whole room was a lock being opened.

Outside the tower changes as it shifts creating worldwide earthquakes and the tower then expands and breaks open multiple parts extending the tower with multiple threads anchoring into the ground. The entire tower glows and the light shoots off into space as a giant beam.

Inside the tower a enormous portal opens burning symbol parts into Rions arm as his threads burn.

The portal the size of a building reveals another world on the other side. A world of all life fibers their home world.

A figure steps through the portal. The figure is made of purple glowing threads and is big enough to sit in the enormous throne chair that makes Rion look like a bug.

Rion bows this time on instinct his human instinct for self preservation overpowered his other senses making him shiver and now his head to the figures feet.

Rion: At last we meet, Ive waited for this day.

The figure: Your signal has been heard, you did well for a trash halfbreed. I am the God of life fibers, and now I am your god as well.

Rion grits his teeth while struggling to lift his head off the ground.

Rion: I am Rion the one who has lead this world to become one with the life fibers and turn this once ugly garbage rock into a teeming beauty of life fibers that clothes this world.

The figure: hmm your resistance to my power is impressive, normally any being would perish by now.

Rion coughs blood and desperately with all his strength gets on his hands and lifts himself onto his feet.

Rion: I think you'll find the earths modifications with experimentations of the life fibers has made incredible creations such as myself.

The figure: you speak freely to me because you have my interest human but do not test me.

Rion: I have allot of time to kill before Y/N gets here so how about I get down to the point.

Rion: you call me human, you call me a ugly halfbreed and you think I'm a lowly bug before you but you are confusing me with the other worthless beings on this mud ball. Your the god of life fibers? If I kill you does that make me the new god of life fibers?

God of life fibers: YOU DARE CHALLENGE ME!


The god of life fibers gets out of his throne chair and charges and Rion smiles.

Y/N who battles his way through armies of monsters finally gets to the tower when suddenly the tower explodes with force unlike any weapon.

Y/N is sent flying back hundreds of yards and he looks up to see a clash between two colossal life fiber titans.

Meanwhile in the distance Izumi stood on top of a damaged building seeing her fathers fight.

Izumi clenched her fist and gritted her teeth.

Ryuko woke up in a massive crater seeing Akio and Nana unconscious and heavily injured. She reached out for them but she didn't have the strength to get up.

Monsters gathered around them and Ryuko grunted trying to get to her feet.

The life fiber monsters charged towards Akio and Nana and Ryuko screamed for them to stop when suddenly the monsters were blown apart.

A jet landed a couple yards away from them and out emerged Satsuki cutting apart the monsters to ribbons while Soroi shot at them with a special anti life fiber gun that Izumi had helped them develop.

Satsuki: Ryuko are you alright!?

The two sisters hugged as Satsuki carried Ryuko and her friends into the jet. As the jet took off Ryuko said: we need to find Y/N and Senkestu.

Satsuki: don't worry the old ladies will find him right now we need to patch you three up.

As the jet flew back towards the nudist beach headquarters Ryuko pasted out worrying about Y/N and Senkestu.

G/N stood in-front of her daughters body at her home.

G/N had tears flowing and she was shaking uncontrollably.

G/N: I'm proud of you and your children.

G/N: I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry for the all pain you've had to this point, I'm sorry for pushing you away.

G/N hugs her daughters body and holds onto it as she lets her tears flow.

G/N: Don't worry I'll watch over the kids, they're just like you stubborn, foolish, friendly, passionate. They'll be ok.

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