Y/N Threads danger part 1

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Authors note: hey guys it's me just wanna ask you all something. This story is far from over we still have a long way to go to reach the ending I planned out but afterwards what do you guys want me to work on. I'm thinking of continuing my Wendy Marvell x male reader story or start a My hero academia story where the reader is the son of Spider-Man and my own spin on certain things, maybe a dc related story or even a dragon ball story so tell me in the comments which one you guys would like to see the most. Anyway sorry for rambling enjoy this chapter and till the next one guys ✌️.

After the chaos of the battle on the beach Satsuki decided to buy a new beach house where everyone spent their remaining vacation days relaxing and healing. They managed to treat Akio who Chibi Y/N vouched for and explained how he had been kidnapped by her and saw that she still had good in her. Ryuko and Akio kept budding heads in anger but Nana and Chibi Y/N managed to defuse the tension.

For the last 2 days of their vacation Satsuki took everyone to a hot spring to enjoy and relax. Ryuko, Nana, and Akio fought over who would hold Chibi Y/N in the limo. As they all arrived and got ready to go into the hot springs Chibi Y/N was holding his breath. Ryuko bent down to check on the little guy and asked him: what's wrong bud? Chibi Y/N: I keep trying to transform into big me again for practice so I can help again when we have to fight but it's not happening.

Ryuko: I'm sure holding your breath and pressuring yourself to transform isn't going to do anything but hurt you Y/N. Don't worry about transforming ok, let's just have fun in the hot spring ok :). Chibi Y/N cheered up and ran into the changing room. Akio changing into a towel: hey shrimp thanks for vouching for me, it means allot to me. Chibi Y/N smiled and just ran up to Akio and gave her a hug on her leg. Akio then patted the little Y/N on the head.

Akio hugging him back: I'll help you wash your head. Ryuko and Nana came in arguing with Akio about who would help Chibi Y/N wash his hair while Satsuki washed her and Chibi Y/N's hair as The three argued. Chibi Y/N dived into the hot spring and felt relief at the warm calming water. Ryuko, Satsuki, Nana, Izumi, Nonon and Mako all joined Chibi Y/N relaxing. In the men's side of the hot spring over the wall was Inmuta, Sanageyama, Gamagoori, Mikisugi and Kinagase.

Aikuro Mikisugis bright purple glowing nipples and sausage made things super awkward for everyone on the men's side while Mikisugi acted like this was all perfectly natural. Chibi Y/N was having fun as he brought a rubber ducky with him and Ryuko was having fun playing with him. The two were laughing and having fun while Satsuki and Izumi were having a more serious discussion.

Izumi: when I tried to heal you and Ryuko at the beach I noticed something deep inside of you that was so well hidden I never detected it till now. There's something within you that is similar to my anti life fibers but on a whole different level of complexity it's not just life fibers I don't even know what it is but when I tried to reach it with my anti life fiber threads it nullified them somehow. Satsuki: it could be something left behind from my fathers experiments maybe a accident or culmination of his efforts.

Izumi: I doubt that's true, this has to be intentional whatever it is was so complex, specific and powerful in nature it seems like your father left something within you with his experiments. This is beyond my anti life fibers so I don't know how to active it or even analyze it. Satsuki surprised: I'll make sure to check what it is after we return. I barley knew my father but if his experiments did provide something like that it would be a powerful tool against Rion.

Suddenly a explosion of smoke occurred as water was splashed everywhere. Ryuko and Y/N were at the center of the apparent smoke bomb. Ryuko: are we under attack?! From the smoke a figure rose from the water. Everyone got into their fighting stances when suddenly they heard a yawn from the figure in the smoke. ???: what the??? Why am I in a hot spring? As the smoke evaporated everyone saw it was Y/N in his teenager form the same one from the beach except this time with the old Y/N's mind.

Y/N saw all the girls in front of him naked and he felt his face turn red as his brain couldn't process the sight in front of him.

Inner Y/N: naked..... their all naked.... I have several questions!!!!!!!!!!! Ryuko is so hot and sexy. Wait no stop! Stop looking idiot!!!! Die you pervert what's wrong with you!!!! Don't get a boner!!!! Stop!!! think about less attractive things!!! Think about Rions face and hair!! Think about Mikisugi's glowing nipples and sausage!!! Stop thinking about Ryuko's pretty hair, eyes, or her body!!! In the worst I deserve to die!!! This is too stimulating!!!!

Y/N nervously stuttering while talking fast: I'm really really sorry, um I'm going to turn around and drown myself now. All the girls blushed except Satsuki as Y/N covered his sausage with his hands and began to turn around. Nana and Akio ran towards Y/N and Ryuko did the same thinking: This is embarrassing but I won't lose to those two!!! The three girls then tackle hugged Y/N naked.

Y/N poor little brain couldn't handle all that as he felt certain things touching his body and he accidentally felt all three of them as he fell as they had tackled him. The three girls all blushed again as they had accidentally been felt up by this fall that they caused. The three were so distracted that they didn't notice Y/N was drowning in the hot spring.

The three got off of him and then each tried to grab them for themselves while a confused Y/N thanked god for being so lucky while still feeling like a absolute perv and idiot trying to control his hormones with every fiber of his being. suddenly another explosion of smoke and Chibi Y/N had reappeared as the normal Y/N lost consciousness from all the stimulation. The three girls looked in shock as Chibi Y/N proudly raised his fists saying: YES I DID IT I TRANSFORMED!

Then Chibi Y/N passed out from exhaustion. Satsuki facepalmed: things can't be simple can they. Izumi: I don't really know how to react to any of this, is stuff like this always happening. Satsuki: pretty much. Izumi: being part of a family is certainly strange. Satsuki: I'm pretty sure we are the strangest when it comes to families. Ryuko's inner thoughts: calm down heart, stop beating so fast. She then picked up Chibi Y/N and proceeded to argue with the other two girls about what they did.

The three then took Chibi Y/N to his room and tucked him in as they all tried to process the events of what had just happened and tried not to think about Y/N's naked body. Ryuko's inner thoughts: his back was so soft and warm the scars were still there. Maybe there are two Y/N's now if so that's just more to love ❤️. Akios inner thoughts: the little one is so cute and the big one he's so handsome.

Izumi: Y/N you've grown so much I wish I was there to see more of it. Ryuko then waited till the other two girls were gone before getting in bed with Chibi Y/N and snuggling with him as she held him close to her chest she leaned in kissing him on the forehead. Ryuko: No matter what I love you Y/N. It was embarrassing seeing each other naked again but I didn't mind.

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