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624 attacked the group slashing at everyone with a razor sharp life fiber whip while Y/N was punching the king of life fibers in space causing shockwaves making the earth shake.

Y/N could only feel anger, pain, sadness and hatred. Ketsu was consuming him and he had no control he felt unmeasurable hunger and emptiness that override any sense or emotion within him.

Izumi was whipped in the back leaving a giant graze on her back before she was kicked in the head.

Nana and Chie were sent flying with multiple punches as they tried protecting G/N.

Akio was impaled between her ribs and smashed into the ground till she was barley conscious.

Ryuko could hear Y/N roars of pain and feel the trouble he was in. She then had the spiked whip wrap around and impale her.

Her friends were all injured they had no strength left. Senketsu was unconscious, she needed more strength. She needs to protect everyone.

Satsuki charged with her sword only for 624 break it with one hand. The pieces of the sword flew everywhere but 624 caught one a threw it with enough speed and strength to impale Satsuki in the chest.

Ryuko felt the whip tighten around her but she didn't feel pain only anger: GET OUT OF MY WAY!

Ryuko began to bleed from her multiple wounds as the rest of her hair began to turn red and her body started to contort and life fiber spikes and tendrils exploded out of her back and chest.

Ryuko's teeth sharpened as she took a bite of 624's neck and the tendrils stabbed through 624's body.

Ryuko's pupils disappeared and her eyes became dark red voids. Red horns forcefully grew out of her forehead causing blood to cover her face.

The whip was ripped apart as Ryuko suddenly powered up her tendrils all moved in different directions ripping 624 into multiple pieces. Ryuko then began smashing all those pieces into the ground till they were paste.

624 began to regenerate but then Ryuko kicked her into the life fiber tower. She then charged attacking her with seemingly infinite attacks.

Nana: Is this because of Y/N's arm?

Chie: his demon power was awakened in that arm, but with Ryuko's lack of energy and control this'll be dangerous for her body to maintain.

Izumi pulled the shard out of Satsuki and managed to save her.

Izumi: Thank god it missed your heart.

Satsuki coughing: she missed on purpose to get that reaction out of Ryuko. We're being played at every step of the way.

Nana: he weaponized Ketsu to kill the king of life fibers but what if we didn't kill him.

Akio: what do we do then, punching and slicing him apart is doing nothing but wasting our energy.

Satsuki: We send him to one place he can't escape. The place me and the two old ladies were sent to.

Nana: The demon realm could hold him but we'd need to make a massive portal to do it.

Chie: I can do it.

Nana: Granny you don't have the energy to stand if you try something like that you'll die!

Chie: We don't have any options Nana.

G/N who woke up: We need all of us too open a portal that big. Especially Ryuko now that she's in this state.

Satsuki: I'll get Ryuko the rest of you recover as much energy as you can. We don't have much time.

Ryuko felt her brain being ripped apart in pain all she could see and hear is the pain and suffering of her friends and family. Y/N's screams of pain and suffering fueled her anger endlessly.

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