Unravelling threads part 10

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Ryuko and Y/N sat there in their black tactical stealth suits, Ryuko's one being senketsu who had learned the ability to transform into all sorts of different clothing while Y/N wore a normal one that Satsuki had the elite four help create.

The two sat across from each other in the Kiryuin private jet that was heading towards the government facility. Ryuko was busy laughing but also comforting the air sick Y/N who looked like he was about to pass out. Ryuko: you have wings and you still get air sick from flying.

Y/N weakly: it's different though. Ryuko: you think you'll be ok? Y/N shaking lay gave her a thumbs up and quickly ran to the bathroom to vomit. Satsuki was staring at her sword which she hadn't unsheathed in awhile, she was unsure. After so long she had trouble putting her sword down and now she had trouble raising it once again her hands were shaking.

Ryuko walked over to her sister and held her hand saying: You can do this. Satsuki smiles at her sister and proceeded to finish her tea. The jet was on autopilot so it landed to safely to its designated destination which was at a clearing area in the Forrest a couple miles away from the facility.

As the plane finally landed and Y/N had emerged from the bathroom Satsuki explained the plan once more with her going in alone from the west side and Y/N and Ryuko going through the north side. Ryuko: you going to be ok by yourself?

Satsuki: yes and just in case here's a emergency communicator. Ryuko: ok lets go save the nudist idiots. Y/N: hopefully we can do this stealthily. Ryuko: they won't see it coming. The two teens then exited the jet and with both their incredible speed and agility traversed through the Forrest and to the facility very quickly.

Satsuki on the other hand took a slower approach and setting some traps in the Forrest. Ryuko and Y/N followed the plan and reached the north fence of the building. Y/N and Ryuko used parkour to climb the tallest tree and use each other to catapult themselves over the electric fence. They snuck past watchtowers and waited for the elite fours distractions to start.

Suddenly music from several different anime's started playing over the loud speakers around the facility and the cameras and lights on the outside and inside were all deactivated. Ryuko: nice. Y/N: I love these songs and anime he has good taste. Ryuko: maybe after this you two can hang out.

Y/N: hmm maybe. The two then went in through the door only to have a security guard with a flash light who was just about to leave the building standing there in shock. Ryuko quickly punched the guard unconscious and Y/N took his flashlight and key card. The two then put on their night vision goggles and proceeded to silent take down anyone in their way and make it to the holding cell area on the second floor. They made it the holding cell to see a beaten up Aikuro and Tsumugu both fully clothed in torn ragged suits.

Ryuko quickly ripped the door off its hinges while Y/N began to untie them. The two men looked like they were tortured and they couldn't walk alone so Y/N and Ryuko helped them up. Aikuro: so the student comes to save her sensei, you truly do love me don't you? Ryuko: you idiot teacher, your luckily you already look like crap because I would beaten you for that comment.

Tsumugu: so Ryuko you and Satsuki are here I assume then who's this guy? Y/N: I'm the new head of PR we might want a better name then nudist beach. Ryuko: laughs a little bit while Aikuro who rips off his shirt and pants reveals his neon pink glowing nipples and glowing sausage scaring Y/N for life. Ryuko yells at Aikuro to wear something so he grabs a ammo
Pouch for his junk and a gun strap with a gun covering a nipple.

Y/N still horrified carrying Tsumugu asks: your junk and nipples don't glow do they? Tsumugu tiredly: no. Y/N: oh thank god, on the bright side his sausage is lighting up the hallways somehow. Ryuko: all the guards on this route have been dealt with and Satsuki should be grabbing any nudist beach info or stolen tech these guy took so we should get back to the plane. Senkestu: Ryuko if I transform into your jet form we can get the both of there in no time.

Y/N: he's right you get these two guys out of here I'll back up your sister just in case. Ryuko: alright be careful. Ryuko then grabs the two men and heads out the exit transforming into senkestu shippu and flying both men to the jet. Senkestu suddenly shudders halfway to the jet like he has goosebumps. Ryuko: what's wrong senkestu? Senketsu: something's here, something beyond evil.

Y/N running through the facility taking guards out left and right stopped when he felt a powerful and evil presence closing in on him. Y/N: what the— (suddenly a giant earth quake occurred and a explosion of force occurs shaking the facility and blowing up parts of the facility) Y/N: This can't be good.

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