Unravelling threads part 8

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Y/N woke up a a week later in a bed that wasn't his. He saw he had stitches all over his body and an IV next to his bed. His clothes were different then what he last remembered. Y/N seemed to panic as he tried standing up but fell over the muscles in his entire body hurting. His tail had to wrap around the handle on a dresser drawer to help himself up.

Y/N hobbled to the door and slowly turned the knob to see he was in Ryuko's home. Y/N: don't freak out your most likely not dead and was saved by Ryuko. Then Ryuko came through her bedroom door brushing her hair.

Ryuko then saw Y/N awake and she rushed to him and gave him a hug

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Ryuko then saw Y/N awake and she rushed to him and gave him a hug. Ryuko: your awake! Y/N: yup thanks for saving me. Ryuko: thank you for bring back senkestu. Y/N: thank god he's ok, so how long have I been here. Ryuko: you've been out a week, you had allot of your bones, muscles, and organs damaged. Y/N: so my healing took awhile this time, a couple more scars I guess.

Ryuko: well you had to heal for ketsu as well so it took longer. Y/N confused then saw Ryuko point to his hands and Y/N saw the eye tattoos on his hands with demonic ones around it. Ryuko: is she awake in there. Y/N: so far no but she probably will be sooner or later. Ryuko: that's great cause I have no idea where to go from here. Y/N: me too.

They both stood their awkwardly when a tired satsuki came from her room. She saw both Y/N and Ryuko and approached saying, Y/N good to see your awake Ryuko was constantly at your side tending to you it was hard to stop her and get her to school. Ryuko then blushed and looked down, Y/N said: oh thanks allot I appreciate it.

Satsuki: from what Ryuko explained to me after you two trashed that construction site you seem trustworthy. Abit to naive though. Your mother and sister visited and I had a good chat with them to make sure your of good character and so far it seems to check out. Y/N: wait my mom? Ryuko did senketsu and you figure out how to save my mom! Ryuko: yup satsuki and the elite four used some of my blood and yours to create a cure for her. She's not dying anymore.

Y/N then picked Ryuko in a hug with tears of joy. Y/N's cried loudly with all his heart overflowing with joy, that weight inside of him had been cut away thanks to Ryuko. Satsuki: flirting in front of me you are definitely naive. That made them both blush and before they could explain.

Y/N wiping his tears away bowed to both sisters saying: thank you so much! I'm forever grateful for this, I can't thank you two enough. Satsuki smiling: raise your head I should be thanking you for bringing back senkestu to Ryuko, you helped heal my sister soul. Turning to Ryuko: you found a boy with manners, I never thought I'd see the day. Satsuki then said: from now on we need to work together because whatever started with your uncle and our father isn't over yet. Ryuko: Y/N can you put me down yet.

Y/N still blushing sets her down as they both listen to satsuki. Satsuki: when I went to nudist beach new headquarters they said that their former leaders had been taken by the Japanese government and so did all their files and everything regarding life fibers altogether. They are trying to bury all of it and bury nudist beach.

When Ryago was around she had said to me she had the government wrapped around her fingers. I suspect that many members of the government were Ryagos puppets and that they still are trying to accomplish her goals and study alien life such as life fibers. Ryuko: how do you know for sure?

Satsuki: when I tried meeting a former associate of our mothers who was a government official he threatened to take you away Ryuko and he claimed that even though Ryago was gone her teachings and "beauty" would transcend us all. Ryuko: did you knock him out. Satsuki: I broke both his arms and was kicked out with a warning.

Ryuko: nice. Y/N: so we have to fight what a crazy cult inside the government and save nudist beach to find any answers. Satsuki: it would appear so. Ryuko: this'll be fun to bash their heads in with senketsu. Satsuki: this is a stealth mission, the three of us and the elite four will go in and extract data and the nudist beach members who have been taken captive. After that we find out the entire story and then if need be we go to war.

Ryuko: ok lets do this. Y/N: wait a second who changed my clothes?! Ryuko blushed. Satsuki sighs saying: I know you two are teenagers with developing hormones but try to stay focused will you. Y/N embarrassed: yes mam. Ryuko: sis don't worry we got this. Satsuki: I guess a warrior must learn to pick the sword back up as well as learn to put it down.

Meanwhile at a private hospital Akio was lying in bed unconscious being treated when a man in a normal suit walks in and shoots thread spikes from his palm impaling the doctors and nurse. He approaches Akio as tiny moving threads from his palm pierce her eyes as her whole body is wrapped in a thread cocoon both inside and out and her screams grow louder and louder.

The man creates a monster as Akio screams become a monster and soon the screaming becomes laughter as the cocoon disappears and something else awakens with one glowing red eye and a glowing yellow one. Akios father meanwhile wakes up with a sake on his head, the prison he is being held is in the middle of a riot with alarms flashing but everyone else isn't moving out of fear watching Akios father call for help unable to see what's in front of him.

He calls for help over and over but all he hears is a roar and then a hand grabs him by the throat off the ground and then eats the terrified man. The man with Akio says: Ryuko matoi, Y/N, Satsuki kryuin, they are pawns in all this you understand. Akio: I'll kill them all. The man smirks and says: more fire then your father I like that.

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