Sewn into a trap! Part 1

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As spring break had arrived Ryuko, Satsuki, Nana, Izumi, and Chibi Y/N were in the limo heading towards the beach house. Y/N's and Nana's grandmothers had left on a mission saying it was important and that they'd be back in a week and a half so they were unable to go on the trip. Y/N's sister had gotten sick and his mother had been busy with work so they didn't attend.

Mako and Gamagoori said they'd meet everyone there later since they had something to do. Izumi and satsuki were in charge as the oldest ones there and Ryuko and Nana were fighting over Y/N as usual. Chibi Y/N had went looking for Akio to ask her if she would join but she had seemingly disappeared. The week before Akio went on one of her hitman jobs saying she'd be back in a little while but this felt too long for Y/N, Akio never had to do a merc job for that long.

Chibi Y/N decided to leave a note with a colorful drawing on her counter top and hoped she'd see it. As the 5 girls arrived to the beach and stepped out of the limo with their suitcases and bags they began to walk to the beach house. Chibi Y/N had a little backpack on and a child leash so he didn't wander off and get lost. Ryuko held a her and Y/N's luggage with one hand and Y/N's leash with the other. Senkestu: I can turn into a swimsuit for you Ryuko.

Ryuko: I know but when we were training last time you mentioned how much you hated sand. Senketsu: yes, it's coarse and rough and gets everywhere. It's annoying but I'm willing to suffer through it. Ryuko: it's alright for you to take a break and relax that's the point of the trip so just hang out and watch tv or something. Senkestu: leave me on the couch and set it to the fashion channel please. Ryuko: you got it.

Chibi Y/N: I don't like sand either Senkestu is right. Ryuko: come on little guy don't you wanna make a sand castle. Chibi Y/N: nope, I want to learn how to swim though! Ryuko: you don't know how to swim? Chibi Y/N: big me knew how to. I don't remember how too, also I'm afraid of sharks. Ryuko: don't worry no shark will touch you with everyone here. Chibi Y/N smiled and ran to the beach house excited.

Ryuko: this will be a nice breather. Izumi: thanks again for the invite, it's the first time I can get to know you all outside my role as a teacher. Satsuki: you are our cousin and just like us you've also had allot of baggage to deal with but a break every now and then can help clear our heads and souls. Nana: Y/N I bought a new bikini just for you so make sure to tell me if it looks cute or not ok. Chibi Y/N nodded saying: ok.

Nana: Ryuko let's have a couple matches today. Ryuko: sure thing but I have no plans to lose. Nana: heh me too. This'll be fun.

Authors note: shorter chapter today after the really long ones we've had recently but voting time which bikini should Ryuko wear!

Authors note: shorter chapter today after the really long ones we've had recently but voting time which bikini should Ryuko wear!

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Authors note: hey guys the next few chapters will be updated a bit slower

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Authors note: hey guys the next few chapters will be updated a bit slower. Things are going to get crazy soon.

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