Thread of the end part 1

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Authors note: You absolute made lads. Somehow I have written 100 chapters off this silly story and somehow people are still reading.

I'm so thankful and great full for all the support. This story started as just a bored idea and I had no idea it would get as big as it did.

We are reaching the end of the story and I hope you all enjoy this final arc starting this chapter. :) Happy new year.

6 months after the battle of the demon realm

Y/N stepped out of the lab with Ryuko, Akio, and Izumi wearing a red and black leather jacket with black and red jeans. On his shoulder were two eyes similar to that of Senketsu but the eyes were a darker red.

Y/N: Ketsu 2.0 is done.

Ryuko: Took awhile but now we have the strength to beat Rion with these upgrades.

Akio: It's all thanks to Nana and your grandparents. That super powerful magic heart combined with our life fibers gave us the boost we need.

Izumi: With this we can do serious damage to my father.

Satsuki: It's time we avenge all those we lost.

Ryuko looking to Satsuki: For our father.

Akio: For Nana.

Izumi: For my mother.

Y/N: For our family.

Mako: For justice!

Everyone stood outside of Nudist beach new HQ located at the ruins of Honnouji Academy.

A giant space ship the size of an entire city lay upon the ruins. The ship designed by Matoi industries of course.

Aikuro Mikisugi stood there with his glowing nipples and glowing genitals.

Y/N Sighs looking away: I'm never going to get used to this.

Aikuro Mikisugi: It has been awhile Y/N, I see you have grown stronger as well as closer with everyone.

Y/N: Yeah, can please put on some pants?

Aikuro grinning: No.

Y/N: My life is so goddamn weird.

The Elite five now rebranded as the Elite six led by Mako was also abroad the ship.

As the ship the size of a city began to shake and rise its engines firing at full thrust.

Ryuko: We better get inside.

She grabbed Y/N's hand

Ryuko blushed: We can bunk together.

Y/N blushed.

Satsuki: Don't get pregnant on this trip!

Ryuko embarrassed: Shut it Sis!

Y/N also embarrassed: Not the grand and epic ride to the home world of life fibers I thought it'd be.

Ryuko grabbed Y/N by the collar dragging him to their room for their "activities".

As the ship flew through space everyone met at the bridge. The army of nudist beach and Satsuki's followers.

They all stood there as Satsuki in the center displayed the hologram of the planet.

Satsuki: We don't know much about the home world of the life fibers. What we do know is that they have one weakness. Izumi has outfitted us all with her anti life fibers giving us the advantage in terms of fire power but we will be dangerously outnumbered. Thankfully we also have a magic on our side giving us a significant amount of defense.

Aikuro: Nudist beach we also have the latest in tech or Life fiber mechs and weapons also enchanted by magic and our own self automated robots.

A portal opened behind Aikuro. Hoshi stepped through.

Hoshi: You also have the legions of my armies from the demon realm.

Nonon: Scratch that about being outnumbered.

Satsuki: Yes well, I was hoping to keep it a surprise but we have a significant number of allies. Including many more ships from earth behind us.

Hoshi: The demon realm also has allies from other worlds we called out to.

Y/N: Guess being the former king of the demon realm and a random superhero has some weight to it. I got some allies to come along. Wizards, Robots, Aliens, ex supervillains and their armies, oh and a band.

Ryuko: A band?

Y/N: Ex supervillains with literal killer music.
Ryuko: Alrighty then.

Y/N: I got them to play your favorite song on the ships loud speakers when we get to paleness atmosphere.

Ryuko smiled.

Satsuki: Alright people be prepared to fight. We either die fighting for all the worlds or we save the universe from being wrapped in sentient threads!

Y/N: Great speech! Let's make some noise! Hit it!

Suddenly Mako and the Elite six erupted into a giant mechazord of life fibers and magic.


The many ships broke through the atmosphere and began firing lasers of all kinds.

Ryuko, Y/N, Satsuki, Akio and Izumi stood side by side.

All of them: For Nana.

They all transformed and flew at full speed around the planet.

Each and every soldier had a special scissor blade able to cut through and injure the life fiber monsters.

Life fibers creatures with wings flew through the air clawing at them.

Ryuko and Satsuki cut through them instantly.

A large hand made of life fibers rose from the ground of fibers to squash Y/N.

Akio tore through it with her bare hands.

Akio: We'll handle all the fodder! Go kick Rions ass!

Ryuko slicing apart millions of life fiber monsters with one slash.

Ryuko grabbed Y/N by the collar: I love you.

Y/N: I love you.

The two kissed while massive explosions went off in the distance.

Y/N: Ketsu jr let's show Rion what we got!

Ketsu jr: Vengeance!

Y/N flew at full speed to the tallest building on the planet.

He watched the entire planet made of every kind of life fiber imaginable even the buildings. It was both horrifying and beautiful.

Y/N tore through the tallest building and landed in a throne room, a massive throne room making him the side of pea on a plate.

Rion sitting on his throne with his queen by his side: Y/N you've become so dramatic since we last talked.

Ragyō Kiryūin stood there next to Rion amused and disgusted.

Y/N: Hiya ugly in law's. I'm Ryuko's boyfriend, I'm here to kill you.

Ragyo: Foolish child, you'll meet your end here.

Y/N: Yeah I've died a couple times already. It didn't really stick, but don't worry I'll make sure to cut the cord with you two.

Rion: Your no match for me Y/N.

Y/N: Enough Blah Blah, shut up and fight.

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