Torn apart part 5

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Satsuki after searching for a long while eventually comes across the whole in the ground Ryuko fell in. She drops down yelling for Ryuko hearing Ryuko's voice echo. Satsuki follows it in a rush of speed to chasm she jumps down without a second thought to save her sister.

Once satsuki feet hit the floor she turns on a flashlight on her suit illuminating the path and what she sees leaves her speechless. Ryuko kneels there in the stream of blood holding the body of one of the creatures a young one while crying. Satsuki looks around and sees hundreds of these creatures all around she see that this chasm leads to a even bigger underground cave with more bodies in every direction.

Ryuko put all of them out of their misery there must have been a thousand bodies here. Satsuki ran to her sister and hugged her seeing her sister heavily covered in wounds. Ryuko was unable to let go of the child without satsukis help she didn't hear her sisters shouts the first three times. When Ryuko finally noticed her sister she clung to her crying and shaking she felt broken.

Satsuki: come on let's go. Ryuko weak and shaking with tears: they didn't deserve this, they wanted me to kill them. Satsuki: Ryuko it's ok. No matter what satsuki said she couldn't get Ryuko to leave the bodies, she knew nothing she could say would help. Satsuki remembered all the people her mother had broken like this and how it had given her nightmares and still did. She didn't want Ryuko to experience this, she was crying with her sister holding her as she apologized before knocking Ryuko out.

Satsuki then picked her sister up and said: this pain is what I wanted to protect you from, my sister I've failed you but please stay alive I can't lose you. Satsuki then began to climb out of the cavern while holding Ryuko. Satsukis arm was still broken but the exosuit was able to let her move it with pain. Satsuki then handed Ryuko to Aikuro and Tsumugu and said: get to the damn jet now!

I'll get Y/N and be back. The two nodded and took Ryuko back to the jet while Satsuki looked at her suits display screens indicating a tracker in Satsuki's sword that she gave to Y/N. Satsuki: Y/N Ryuko needs you right now don't you dare die.

Y/N was smashed into the ground and sent hundreds of feet downwards with such force that he almost lost consciousness. Y/N lay there in pain unable to move and suffocating from the lack of air. Before he could even attempt to get up the cloaked man smashed through the ground and pulled him out only to drag him through the ground as he ran at incredible speeds throwing Y/N's body skipping into the lake and then sinking.

As he sank Y/N apologized to his each member of his family, those he failed to save, and to Ryuko. He tried imagining Ryuko and saying goodbye. Y/N then heard ketsu's voice say: fight. Y/N smiled and a stream of water exploded like a enormous geyser shooting water.

Y/N ran through it with intense speed attacking the cloaked man with a flurry that was not only faster but stronger, every single movement was creating so much force that they were destroying the Forrest foliage all around them. The cloaked man smiled saying: is this the power up you were talking about if so — he was then struck with a right hook to the face.

Y/N roared revealing his powers fully in control as his wings extended and were now capable of flying and his entire body and bone structure and morphed into that similar to a armored creature like a dragon or demon, however Y/N also had the red and black armor ketsu wrapped around his body and infused with his demonic hands.

Y/N's hair stood up and his eyes changed red as his entire face was changed as the demon skin grew in and then was protected with a layer of ketsus fibers. Ketsus life fibers embedded with the demonic skin becoming a new skin a new form one that had never been formed before a life fiber demon. Y/N's roared revealing a row of sharp teeth.

The man in the cloak: hmm what a ugly looking beast, I know the person inside is just as ugly but at least he's slightly better looking then this mess. Y/N roared again charging at high speeds. The man in the cloak was actually taking actually hits but he still was taking no damage.

The two traded blows with so much force the lake and Forrest around them all have away as the ground broke and the entire valley seemed to collapse on itself from their battle. Satsuki in the distance watching this with the help of her suit, I can't get anywhere near those two if I tried. What do I do dammit?!

Satsuki clenched her fist being unable to help and just watch the battle that was way past anything she could do at the moment. The valley continued to shake and collapse as the two punched and kicked each other through streams and underground caves with more of the creatures Ryuko fought earlier. Their fight was destroying everything around them. Satsuki: it's just like when Ryuko lost control against Nui.

Meanwhile Ryuko awoke hearing Y/N's screams and got up and left the jet. Aikuro and Tsumugu protested but she didn't hear the words they were saying she just knocked them out and left the jet with incredible speed. Ryuko: Y/N.

Senketsu weakly: Ryuko he needs you. Meanwhile with Satsuki she watched the fight progress and they seemed to be traded attacks back and forth but Satsuki saw that Y/N was the only one taking actual damage. This man who had the same hair as Ryago was obviously connected to her and he seemed to be stronger then even Ryago not even breaking a sweat against Y/N.

The man was smiling toying with Y/N. Y/N sent his net flurry of attacks but they were all deflected as the man in the cloak circled back to where Y/N had lost his sword. The man picked up the sword and then charged Y/N who was charging from above.

The man in the cloak used a single slash with the blade and watched as Y/N's wings separated from his body now sliced off. Y/N fell and roared in pain only for the man in the cloak to pick him up by the throat and stab him through the center of the chest into the stone behind him.

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