Torn apart part 2

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Ryuko: senketsu hold on we'll fix you up once we find everyone and get home. Senkestu weakly: Ryuko run. Y/N in pain: don't pass out, don't pass out, don't pass out. Satsuki finding tracks and traps that she didn't set: Things can never be easy can they.

Tsumugu: do you think they're ok? They're taking longer then Ryuko said.Aikuro: we have to go help them. He finds a hidden cabinet with a wide variety of weapons and armor. Tsumugu whistles in delight. Aikuro: take your pick. Tsumugu and Aikuro both put on the armor and grab weapons. Tsumugu: can you please examine why your cutting wholes in your armor.

Aikuro: fight as a nudist beach member always does, you want me to help you with yours? Tsumugu: no. They both then ran to the back of the jet and found a motorcycle and got on. Aikuro with his nipples and sausage glowing drove with Tsumugu on the back. Tsumugu: I regret joining this organization from day 1. Aikuro laughs: so you've said. Tsumugu: can you at least turn your nipple and junk lights. Aikuro: no can do. Tsumugu whispers to himself: just kill me now.

Ryuko was limping through the Forrest when suddenly the ground gave out and she fell into a cave. Ryuko sitting up: oww, I hate this place already. Ryuko tried using her communicator again but still nothing all the tech she was carrying was useless it was like a emp had went off.

Satsuki and Y/N also tried to use their tech to no avail. Ryuko heard something coming from the lower parts of the cave so she pulled out a small flashlight which she had on hand and looked to a chasm. Ryuko felt sicker all of a sudden she heard echos of groans and screams. Ryuko travels deeper down the cave as the screams and groans grow louder.

Ryuko starts breathing harder and harder feeling as if the air was choking her. Senketsu began shaking more and more, he was coughing again and more frequently. Ryuko could barley see with the tiny flashlight but she felt worse with every single step. Then Ryuko stopped to throw up, she tried standing up to take another step and when she did she fell into the deep dark chasm.

Ryuko fell into what felt like water and her flashlight soon followed soon after. Ryuko gasping for air emerged and in a frantic rush picked up her flashlight. She could not only hear all the screams she could feel them all next to her. Ryuko: hello who's there?! ???: help is! Ryuko's inner thoughts: they sound like senketsu?

Senkestu: Ryuko WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW! Senketsu then coughed up more and more blood. Ryuko then saw as the beings in the shadow emerged and were now being illuminated by the flashlight. They were men women, children and life fibers all fused together into misshapen monsters.

They're were hundreds of them all with torn limbs and body parts they were being kept alive by the life fibers as torture and the life fibers were being kept alive by the same process a constant continuous cycle of pure pain and torture. All of them were shuffling, falling apart, stitching themselves together and then falling apart again. Ryuko could feel both the humans and the life fibers calling for help screaming in agony.

Senkestu began to cry and Ryuko walking back terrified began to cry as well being overwhelmed with their pain flowing through her. They all crowded her calling for help, but they were past the point of helping both senkestu and Ryuko knew that. Ryuko screamed as she saw all of them and fell to her knees. All the creatures crowed Ryuko trying to tear her apart.

Multiple threads shot out from all the creatures stabbing through senketsu and Ryuko both not reacting to the pain but still crying. Ryuko couldn't breathe as she threw up again but this time it was blood. She screamed for help and was then encompassed by all the creatures swallowed by the darkness as she called for help not wanting to hurt any of the people or life fibers.

Y/N was running to find everyone else till he saw lights in the distance, pink lights? Then when Y/N ran over he was blasted with a storm of bullets and then hit with the motorcycle with Aikuro and Tsumugu on it sent flying. Y/N groaning in pain: thanks guys that's the wake up I needed, what the hell are you two doing.

Tsumugu: we were coming to help everyone when we were attacked by creatures that's why we shot at you. Y/N stood up and pulled the bullets out of his tactical suit. Y/N: what were you attacked by? Suddenly the trees rustled and a fragile and skinny creature limped out hissing. Y/N: I'm not going to make any assumptions and assume your way stronger then you look.

Y/N ran at the creature and was about to hit it with a left hook when it spoke. ???: the girl is in trouble. Y/N who didn't stop his fist still hit her with the punch saying: are you talking about Ryuko??!! The creature not feeling any pain from the punch moved her face towards Y/N and said: she will be consumed, and she will consume them all.

Y/N then was stabbed in the chest by a blade the creature was hiding. Y/N bleeding from the chest backed up slowly and fell over bleeding a pool of blood. Y/N holding the blade in his chest as his arms and legs began to harden and his demonic powers were activating: this hurts allot!!!!!! BUT NOT AS MUCH AS I'M GOING TO HURT YOU!!!!

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