Battle At The Big Bang!

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Incinerate!!! SOLAR SLASH STORM!!!

Y/N dodged as many strikes as he could be he wasn't fast enough as bunting cuts landed on his body creating massive gashes of blood.


Y/N: That was a SSS attack! Your strong alright!

B2's body was radiating with sunlight and magic power as his body was almost made of silver flames.

Y/N charged punching with a flurry of hits but his attacks were all burned apart.

Y/N was confused: What the hell!!

B2: I'm burning all your kinetic energy as you attack!

Y/N: THAT MAKES NO DAMN SENSE YOU PHYSICS DEFYING LUNATIC! I mean technically I've seen weirder but and do defy laws of the universe frequently but still!

Y/N attacked and dodged another slash. This time he flipped midair hitting B2 with a roundhouse kick but it did nothing.

B2 grabbed Y/N with his free arm and threw him onto the street with one arm.

Y/N landed on a family SUV that was driving and the family inside freaked out screaming still driving with Y/N on the windshield.

Y/N: Sorry about this I'll get off now!

Y/N jumped off when in midair he saw B2 was diving straight for him.

Y/N knew if he fought back that family would get injured so he took the attack head on.

B2 hit Y/N with the hilt in the chest knocking Y/N across the city and onto a high way.

Y/N: Ow.

Y/N tried to get up but he was then run over by a trucker and a couple cars.

Y/N: I could be a supervillain and destroy highways but no I have to be good. Sighs.

Y/N then catches a punch from B2.

Y/N's eyes glow red: Alrighty King Arthur wannabe, time for you to meet the demon king Y/N.

B2: It'd be a nice change of pace.

Y/N's body exploded in blue flames as his body changed. His horns grew bigger, his tail and body became more scaly and armored as his eyes changed becoming cross silted and his hair hardened along with his skin. His entire body had cracks in it.

B2: What a strange form.

Y/N smirked: This isn't the form.

Y/N's body then cracked apart turning to dust and smoke revealing a small child sized Y/N with devil horns, fangs a normal tail and a crown made of flames floating over his head like a halo.


B2 rubbing his head: Uh not what I was expecting.  Is this a joke.

Chibi King Y/N smiled: No.

Chibi King Y/N attacked punching B2 and sent him flying into the bay on the far end on the opposite side of the city.

He then took one step and was instantly there.

Chibi King Y/N: Did that feel like a joke?

B2 emerged from the water his chest showing cracks on it.

B2: I'm burning all your kinetic energy and magic as it hits me, How did you damage me?!

Chibi King Y/N boasting: Well you see you may be able to burn kinetic energy and magic but I as the demon king just have to be stronger so I burned you flames.

B2: What the?

Chibi king Y/N: Doesn't make sense does it but I have flames that surpass all that exists light, dark, time and space!

B2: We'll see about that!

B2 raised his blade and a beam of sunlight fired upwards and towards the sun and it hit the sun. The bream grew bigger like a giant spotlight beam of ene energy as the sun began to fuel B2.

Chibi King Y/N: I see your draining energy from the sun and refueling it by draining other stars so you continuously have power.

B2 continued to heat up his body filing with light: YOUR POWERFUL BUT CAN YOU HANDLE THE POWER OF THOUSANDS OF STARS!!

Chibi king Y/N: I don't know can you? Hit me with everything you got.

B2 ran again at Chibi King Y/N slashing his sword: SOLAR  SATELLITE SERENITY STRIKE EQUINOX!!!!

Chibi king Y/N prepared his stance and was ready to strike.

Chibi King Y/N ran aground B2 who also charged and the two clashed.

Chibi king Y/N attacking: Eternal Demons Heart.

At that moment the reality around them shifted as they traveled through time and colliding blows.

Chibi King Y/N's fist and B2's sword collided and the explosion ripples throughout time as a explosive force with a force of at least hundreds of trillions of nuclear weapons going off all at once echoed through time over and over.

Akio, Nana, Izumi, Satsuki and Ryuko could all feel and hear that explosion of energy and force as they felt Y/N's energy.

Both B2 and Chibi King Y/N floated there at the beginning of time motionless and bleeding after striking each other.

B2 had trouble moving but he was awake.

B2: AGGH!!! I WON!!!

B2's body then shattered apart leaving only a microchip still in tact.

Chibi King Y/N exploded into smoke and Y/N woke up covered in wounds and burns.

Y/N weakly: I won hurray.

Y/N then felt his body gush blood from hundreds of places as his horns shattered and he was covered in blood.

Y/N was barley conscious but he floated to the sword and grabbed its handle and the microchip: Your really strong B2 but I won't lose. I'll protect them all and I'll get my memories back.

Y/N then passed out as a Big Bang happened around him. His grip on the sword and the microchip never loosened.

Satsuki and the others all appeared grabbing Y/N and going back to their time.

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