Akio the ultimate beserker!

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Akio swung blade like arms gracefully cutting electrified metal wires that her cyborg opponent was swinging at her.

She swung her bladed arms gracefully and accurately in some sort of sword dance.

Her opponent a tall male cyborg in a red trench coat simply stood there his metal wires continuously attacking.


Akio's bladed right hand grew becoming a purple and red great sword.


Akio slashed at the air with four strikes and instantly the alley way was ripped apart hundreds of thousands of times over into tiny pieces.

The cyborg's trench coat was ripped apart and his body was cybernetic body was displayed now covered in scratches.

The cyborg grinned landing on top of a vintage red car.

Akio was trying to catch her breath.

The cyborg: Tired after that? That's abit sad Akio.

Akio: Shut up I'm just getting ready to warm up you tin can.

The cyborg: The names B6. So you ready for the warm up because I've been itching for some fun for awhile.

Metal tendrils extended from B6's sides and were attacking the people on the streets.


Akio ran slashing back the tendrils and saving the civilians at lightning speeds.

B6 creating more and more tendrils: You can't save them all.

Akio: WATCH ME!!!

B6 smiled this time running in and kicking Akio in the stomach sending her flying through a diner.

Akio landed in the kitchen while her cyborg opponent walked through the massive hole in the diner.

B6 saw a plate of pie on the counter and took a bite looking at all the injured and terrified civilians in the diner.

B6: Pretty good pie.

Suddenly a knife was thrown at
Such velocity it impaled the now crushed pie to his metallic chest.

B6 catching two more knives with his hands: Seriously I wanted another bite.

Akio ran smashing a chefs knife into B6's neck shattering the blade.

B6 grabbed Akio by the throat and picked her up.

B6: I'm genuinely upset about that pie.

Akio back opened up and life fiber tendrils with mouths and teeth wrapped around B6 biting down on his body.

B6's body began to heat up rapidly steaming.

B6: Not good for you.

Suddenly the opposite effect happened as Akio's tendrils and body began to freeze from B6's body.

Akio was choking and freezing trying to loosen his grip.

B6: You weren't kidding about warming up, don't worry I'll cool you down.

Suddenly plates and coffee pots hit the back of B6.

The waitress and customers tried to help Akio.

Akio: Get our of here you idiots!!

B6: I'd do what she says people.

Akio's shoulders, legs and chest burst open into mouths filled with teeth and tendrils wrapping around and biting into B6.

Male reader x ryuko Matoi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now