Fates first strand of despair

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Explosions ring across the city in the skies as booms echos from the clouds.

Y/N opened his eyes looking to his side to see his friends unconscious and on the ground.

Y/N could speak or move. He tried to call out to Ryuko who was farthest from him.

Then Y/N heard footsteps.

Rion: how you doing Y/N?

Y/N grunted angrily trying to get up but at most he shifted his body a couple inches.

Rion steps on Y/N's head with one foot and on Y/N's remaining human arm with the other.

Rion: is your adrenaline high enough or can you still feel this?

Rion then put more pressure onto Y/N's head and arm.

Y/N then spitted blood onto Rions shoe.

Rion: charming as always. Anyway I'll take Ryuko here, you and your little friends here come join us once you find Satsuki. This family reunion is going to be perfect.

Rion picked up Ryuko slinging her over his shoulder and then he stopped in his tracks staring at Akio.

Rion: Hey Y/N can you still move? I'll give you a ultimatum, somebody in your little group of friends is going to die today and you get to choose who.

Rion then places his foot onto Akios neck.

Rion: my little traitor who I gave so much time and care into molding her into a proper and elegant being only for her to throw it all away.

Rion then moved his foot next to Nanas neck.

Rion: Or our childhood friend. I did my homework and if I'm not mistaken she has some special blood and history with demons.

Rion then removed his foot and then held Ryuko up by the hair holding the back of her throat with one hand.

Rion: or my niece? The little love of your life and traitor not only to me but her entire family and everything it represents.

Rion: you have to decide today Y/N and trust me I'll honor my word I'll kill only whichever one you choose and the rest will live in the new world I create.

Y/N raised his middle finger with all his remaining strength.

Rion smiled: I was hoping you'd respond like that. I was originally going to just take Ryuko but know I'll take the other two with me.

Rion then picked up Nana and Akio alongside with Ryuko and he turned to look back at Y/N.

Rion: Say high to your mother and sister for me.

Y/N's eyes widened in fear.

Then he disappeared with them into the fog.

Y/N gripped the dirt underneath him trying to get up and push himself to keep going.

Y/N's thoughts: goddamn it Y/N get up! Get up!!! MOM AND SIS NEED YOU!!!!!! GET THE F**K UP!

Y/N got himself to his feet and slowly limped towards the direction of where Rion left.

Y/N stumbled and struggled. The city was completely destroyed, everything was rubble and ash.

Y/N then saw figures in the distant.

He waved his arms in pain hoping they were survivors or any sort of help.

The figures approached him and when the shapes started to come closer Y/N saw what they actually were.

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