Stitching hearts 3

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Ryuko: the Christmas party is at 9 we have to change him back before that. Satsuki: I wish we had a good parent to ask for guidance in this situation. Ryuko: We have Soroi. Satsuki: good point the man did raise me. Unfortunately we shouldn't bother him today. Ryuko: why? where is he? Satsuki: he used to love Christmas with his family but he lost them in a accident, since then he likes to visit their graves and drink with old friends. He'll be back for the party tonight. Ryuko: looks like we have to handle this ourselves.


The two sisters turn to the chibi Y/N who seemed hungry and who had been daydreaming during their conversation. Ryuko: your the cook in the family, you got this. Satsuki: you should really learn to cook by the time you get to college. Ryuko then picked up chibi Y/N and held him in her lap as they both watched Tv while Satsuki began to cook.

Ryuko took multiple photos of chibi Y/N and even played games with him. Senkestu: so this is what a human child is like. Chibi Y/N: Senkestu why are you black and red? Senkestu: huh? Well this was the way I was made? Chibi Y/N: why? Senketsu: I don't really know, it's similar to humans really. Chibi Y/N: really? Humans are born naked though.

Senkestu: yes I am aware but I mean — chibi Y/N: senketsu does that mean your always naked? Senketsu: I am clothing Y/N, I don't see how I can be naked. Chibi Y/N: being naked is fun. Senkestu: um yes it is. Ryuko laughing: Senkestu your not good with kids. Y/N: Ryuko can we help big sis Satsuki make food? Ryuko: sure we can little guy. She picks up Y/N and carries him to the kitchen.

Satsuki who had heard their conversation was taken aback by the cuteness of the child Y/N she had never been called big sis by a child. Ryuko noticing Satsuki enjoyment of being called big sis turned and whispered into chibi Y/N's ear. Chibi Y/N: satsuki-nee chan. Satsuki again taken back blushed abit from how cute that sounded. Ryuko placing chibi Y/N on the counter: hold on a second little guy, ever since you got here you've been calling her big sis why not me?

Chibi Y/N: because when I marry Ryuko satsuki will be my sister too, so she's big sis Satsuki and your Ryuko. Ryuko then blushed and Satsuki laughed. Ryuko: you want to marry me squirt? Chibi Y/N: yeah! We'll be superhero's together, and have fun playing and fighting! Ryuko: I might hold you to that someday so don't forget it.

Chibi Y/N: I won't forget because I love you Ryuko. Ryuko blushed again, feeling overwhelmed by the child's cuteness and lack of awareness to what he's saying. Ryuko: I love you too Y/N. (After saying it she felt her heart beating faster again, this feeling felt good)     

Y/N: YAY Ryuko loves me! Ryuko sighing: if only it was this easy when you were older. Satsuki: it might be, you never know. Ryuko and Chibi Y/N then proceeded to help Satsuki make lunch and they all sat down to eat afterwards. Both Ryuko and Satsuki took turns feeding Y/N who eventually tried eating with a baby spoon. Afterwards the three did the dishes together.

Ryuko: he's really messy right now we should clean him up. Satsuki: A bath it is then. Ryuko: WAIT WHAT!? How that going to work!? Satsuki: Relax Ryuko he's just a child. Ryuko: yeah your right. So which one of us will watch him.

Satsuki: I mean we're all messy after cooking and cleaning everything. Chibi Y/N: let's all go to the bath together! Ryuko: sure little guy, just forgive me when your older again. Satsuki laughing: If he remembers this when he returns to normal you'll be branded as a shota-neet.

Ryuko: not funny, I hope to god he doesn't remember this. Chibi Y/N who was playing with the facet and two spoons not really listening to conversation wondered: if Senkestu is always naked doesn't he get cold?

(Authors note: shorter chapter today, I'm not really going to rush this story so I'll try to update as frequently as I can. Sometimes the motivation/inspiration is there and sometimes it isn't but when I get stuck I'll eventually find a way out after a short break. Anyway big things coming, this arc is more cute and slice of life like but something big will happen soon that might change everything.)

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