Y/N Trapped in threads part 1

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Y/N woke up to the sound of a phone alarm ringing in his ears. As Y/N slowly opened his eyes he saw the nurse holding her phone alarm next to his face and she had a disappointed face. Y/N looking back down realized he had his arms and legs wrapped around Ryuko and he could feel his tail wrapped around her leg but luckily the blanket was covering that.

Y/N looked to see Ryuko sleeping peaceful in his arms and he turned tomato red in a instant unable to process what was going on and how he got here. Ryuko also hearing the alarm started to wake up slowly only to see Y/N's bright beet red embarrassed and confused face and she followed making a similar face and then turning to the nurse looking at both of them disappointed.

Y/N was stuttering and unable to say anything so he was freaking out so Ryuko said: um I can explain. The nurse told both of them to get up and they both did very quickly. Nurse: teenagers these days being so reckless before I take you to the principal I have to ask you these questions for your own safety. Both still blushing nodded.

Nurse: ok first question and be honest this is a private room and I need to know for your safety. Did you two use protection? Ryuko and Y/N: ?!??!??!??!??!??!??!??????????? They both blushed even redder. Ryuko: Whoa hold on lady we didn't do anything like that we both were just asleep.

Nurse: is that so then why were you two in that bed together? Ryuko inner thoughts: if I tell her the truth Akio will probably target her job or her life I need to lie. Ryuko: it was all me I climbed into his bed and fell asleep. Y/N still confused: ?!?!?! Ryuko: I was tired and I... (she started to stutter) Nurse: you were worried about your boyfriend being hurt and decided to cuddle with him how sweet.

Ryuko blushing: um yeah. Y/N was about to ask one of a million questions he had when suddenly Ryuko grabbed his tail which he was hiding behind his back because he forgot to hide it in his clothes. Ryuko grabbing his tail immediately made Y/N squirm and get what Ryuko meant to play along. Y/N: yeah that's right. Nurse: that's it nothing else happened? Ryuko: nope.

Nurse: thats good then my bad but don't do this again if one of you gets hurt you hear me, you were this close to being in massive trouble. I'll let you too off the hook so just get to class but remember to always use protection and don't rush anything ok you two are young. Both of them nodded with red faces and walked back to their remaining classes.

Y/N: I have a million questions. Ryuko: yeah before that let's get through the school day and then your coming to my house and explaining the tail and wings and who you are. Ryuko ran of to her next class leaving Y/N to wonder what had happened and what he would tell her.

Y/N then went to his next class unable to focus because he kept thinking about the feeling of holding Ryuko and her smell. He felt like a creep and physically slapped himself in the face but he could get it out of his head. After the last class of the day Y/N was walking out of school when he saw Ryuko beating up Akios thugs who were originally there to ambush Y/N.

Ryuko easily beat them all to a pulp and then with the monstrous strength and speed and a look of murderous intent made it to where Y/N was standing in a second and she then changed back into her usual calm and cool self saying we need to talk about allot she grabbed Y/N by the hand and led him to her car. Y/N felt intimidated by the fiery red aura and the murderous looking intent she had in her eyes so he just said: ok (and telling himself not to make Ryuko mad in the future)

As Ryuko and Y/N took a ride back to kiruyin mansion Y/N felt even more intimidated. Ryuko seeing Y/N amazed by the mansion took him by the hand and led him inside seeing satsuki drinking her usual tea with a questioning face. Ryuko: hey sis your home early meet my classmate Y/N, Y/N this is my sister satsuki.

Suddenly a golden spotlight shined as satsuki rose from her chair and set her tea down and ominous music began to play, and then big red block letters appeared on the screen saying satsuki's name in kanji. Satsuki: so your Ryuko's friend. Y/N inner thoughts: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!!!!??????

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