Torn apart part 7

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His words echoed in the two sisters ears as they tried to process the realization that this was their uncle. They both felt powerless unable to speak or move. The cloaked man: surprised huh? That's fine I'll let it sink in, now be good girls and get stronger for me, especially you little Ryuko.

I want to fight again and next time I better not be disappointed. I need both of you to become stronger and suffer allot more for Ryagos dreams to come true so enjoy what time you two have left together while you still can. I want to be a fun uncle so I'll tell you right away Y/N has a chance of survival so if I were you I'd get him medical treatment, I'd heal him but he burned away the life fibers I tried to heal him with.

Ryuko I can see you care for him, so I'll make you a deal once the new world is created and your moms back I'll fix Y/N and make him the perfect husband for you and the two of you can have a flock of beautiful children and live happily forever after. My name is Rion or rather it once was and shall be once the Kiryuin family is reborn and reunited.

Oh and Satsuki as the oldest you need to set an example for Ryuko so I expect you to be better after all that time and care Ryago spent on you. Anyway you girls helped me get rid of the facility here, I suspected there was a cult here worshiping Ryago as some sort of demon and trying to take over my plans and get rid of me so you helped me swamp them out. I'm very late but i shall give you two presents as a uncle should.

The life fiber tendrils around Rion wrapped around both Satsuki and Ryuko as they screamed and struggled fighting with all their might. The tendrils left the two in cocoons made of life fiber with their muffled screams. Then Rion approached Y/N's seemingly lifeless body and examined it. Amazing, traces of senketsu, ketsu and my life fibers are still inside of him merging with his dna and hearing him.

Y/N there might be hope for you yet, you can still become Ryuko's shining knight in armor. Rion then tried fusing Y/N with life fibers again and made him into a life fiber cocoon. He then left all three life fiber cocoons there and wandered off with Y/N's right arm with ketsu.

That wasn't a bad family reunion he mused. He knew Akio would have loved to kill the three of them right there however she would be a tool to further the suffering of the two sisters for much longer and Y/N with more grooming and allot more fixing he could potentially be useful and more amusing to watch. My beloved Ryago I'll set your kids on the right path, don't worry your dream shall become reality soon enough.

Aikuro and Tsumugu soon arrived and found the three cocoons and both Ryuko and Satsuki burst through both their cocoons. They both then lost consciousness as their new life fibers deactivated and hid inside of them. Ryuko weakly: save Y/N.

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