Cutting the cord within ones heart part 9

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Ryuko and Y/N leaning on each other made it to where Nana and Akio was. Both girls blushed seeing their naked friends and quickly got them some clothes from the dead researchers around them.

Y/N: so what did I miss?

2nd scientist: how are you alive?!

Y/N: I don't really know, then again how are we all alive in this big crazy world. One of sciences biggest mysteries you know.

2nd scientist: we injected you with every version of every virus, mutagen and bioweapon we ever created and your perfectly healthy and not exploding or mutating, or even creating a super disease/Virus. How did you manage to overcome all of that genetic manipulation?!

Ryuko: like a Disney princess, with a magical kiss.

Y/N blushed/annoyed: I'm not a princess.

Akio and Nana: You two kissed! No fair!!!!

Ryuko: we also confessed to each other so victory!

Nana and Akio: The war is far from over.

2nd scientist: this is amazing you overcame all our creations with a simple emotion. The things we could learn by studying you would be nearly infinite.

Y/N: Yeah well next time how about a phone call and a permission to consent form before that.

2nd scientist: you don't understand what you truly are, inside of you right now is something beyond explanation. At any moment you could become a bioweapon or a biological creature that the world, no wait the universe has never even seen. There's no telling what you'd be able to do as well.

Y/N: After we get out of here what's going to be inside of me is junk food and lots and lots of pizza.

Ryuko whispers: and me.

Y/N confused: wait what?

Senkestu: I fear Ryukos more perverse side has been unlocked.

Ryuko: Senkestu!

She quickly ran to table where Senkestu was strapped to and freed him and then she put him on.

2nd scientist: Bringing up the scientific discoveries of that sailor uniform won't change anything either will it.

Y/N blushing: um Ryuko what did you mean by me when I said a bunch of stuff would be in me.

Nana blushing: that's very interesting.

Akio: super interesting and Kinky. You into that stuff Y/N? Was the puppy and master play I was talking about when we met something your into?

Y/N blushing: I'm not just to clarify um can we have this conversation later?

Ryuko changing the subject: just tell us the way out of here and maybe you'll get your chance to study to help people.

2nd scientist: please follow me to the elevator.

As the four teens and the scientist stood in the elevator that slowly went up Y/N felt dizzy all of a sudden.

Head scientist: it could be the mutagen in your system perhaps the effects are delayed and your body is fighting it like a cold? Maybe you'll still become a unknown entity of infinite possibility.

Y/N: great. That's just amazing.

Suddenly the elevator stopped and the doors opened to various private soldiers with all their weapons on the elevator. They all opened fire but Nana created a magic shield while Akio dove through the bullets grabbing a gun and having some fun shooting at them. Ryuko quickly made her two arms transform into blasters as she joined the fire fight.

Y/N stumbled to the side of the elevator feeling his body on fire.

Y/N: this is not a transformation. Somethings wrong, something is coming and it's just as bad if not worse then Rion maybe it's uglier as well.

Y/N then collapsed.

Nana screamed his name while the others who cleared a way rushed to check on him.

Y/N: I'm going to barf. Oh god please don't be weird virus barf.

Y/N got up clutching his stomach and assured everyone he was fine.

Ryuko: ok but don't push yourself.

Akio: something's happening at the surface, they have alarms going off everywhere.

Nana looking at a computer screen: something is approaching earths atmosphere.

Head scientist frightened: oh god. It's happening like he said.

Ryuko: what's happening?! What did Rion say!?

Head scientist: that this is where the faith humanity lies in this boys hands and with our help we could prepare him for it by making him a weapon.

Nana: this was the plan? He knew we would escape and that Y/N wouldn't die from what you did to him?!

Akio: no way, that a big leap of faith coming from a scumbag, can he tell the future? And if this Rion was so strong to kick both Ryuko and Y/N's assess effortlessly why does he need Y/N to become this weapon?

Head scientist: I don't know I'm just following orders! Please leave me here the exit is that way.

Ryuko: you were begging for mercy, you really want to deal with Rion when he finds out we escaped and you let us leave.

Head scientist: if what he predicted was true then this is the safest place for me.

Ryuko took a second hesitatingly trying to decide what to do and she decided they would leave.

Ryuko: if we see you again we won't let you go like we did here got it!

Head scientist: don't worry we won't meet again. I have allot of sins to pay for.

Ryuko: Don't we all.

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