Cutting the cord within ones heart part 8

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Authors note: this is the 70th chapter everyone! 🎉 thank you for sticking with me and 70 chapters of this.

Ryuko inside of Y/N's mind:

Ryuko felt sick as she could feel Y/N's emotions like they were amplified trillions of times. She could feel his pain, his anger and fear, his struggle. Ryuko then felt all of Y/N's memories flash in her mind and she was overwhelmed by all this.

Ryukos senses were all overwhelmed she couldn't process all of it, it was too much too quick and her mind felt like it was being ripped apart.

Ryuko then blinked and suddenly she was lying in a pond and all the pain had suddenly stopped.

Ryuko looked around this was a beautiful place with trees, plants and flowers unlike anything on earth or anywhere else for that matter. The place was filled with hope and energy and love, Ryuko felt all that energy as she looked at the giant tree at the center of this place. It was similar to a cherry blossom tree.

As Ryuko walked over she heard a familiar scream.

Ryuko ran as fast as she could to the tree to find Chibi Y/N trapped in the side of the tree seemingly being pulled in or consumed by it.

Chibi Y/N Crying: Ryuko!

Ryuko: Y/N! (She claws at the strange tree bark unable to scratch it or damage it at all)

Ryuko grabs Chibi Y/N and begins pulling.

Ryuko: I won't let you take Y/N! (She punch's the tree with all her might making it release Chibi Y/N.

Ryuko falls back holding Chibi Y/N.

Ryuko: Y/N!

Chibi Y/N lies next to Ryuko his pupils and the white of his eyes have disappeared and his skin has become purple and dark blue in color with black veins everywhere.

Ryuko: Y/N what's happening.

Chibi Y/N coughs up blood unable to speak before passing out.

Ryuko tried to touch him but her hand is burned by the extreme heat coming off of his body.

Ryuko: Y/N!?!? Stay with me little guy! (She tries finding a heart beat but finds none so she starts pumping his chest and administering CPR)

After a couple of attempts with no success Ryuko began panicking her life fiber powers weren't working either.

Ryuko looked to the tree and then she noticed that the trees roots had the same black veins growing on it.

Ryuko attached Chibi Y/N to her life fibers and then with her other hand shot life fiber tendrils into the tree.

Ryuko screamed in pain as her skin changed to the same purple and dark blue color and her veins began to pop and turn black.

Ryuko once again became one of with Y/N's mind and soul seeing and feeling all his emotions, his pain, his suffering and inner struggle.

Ryuko nose begins to bleed as she falls to the ground. She coughs up blood, her mind unable to focus on a single thought. Ryuko is unable to breath as her brain is overwhelmed by everything. Ryuko feels her vision and hearing fade as her ears and eyes bleed.

Ryukos senses all shut off and she exists in a unknown space unconscious and unaware as she floats in the emptiness of nothing.

Time moves fast and then slow, then fast again, then slow once again. Time then stops completely, then it resumes, it stopes, it resumes. Eventually time becomes insignificant and non existent as there is only nothing and always is nothing but the void.

Then a heartbeat.

Another heartbeat this time louder.

Two heartbeats.

A name: Ryuko.

Another name: Y/N?

Two heartbeats once again

One heartbeat becomes louder.

The heartbeat becomes faster.

Then silence.

A noise rings in the distant.

The noise becomes a voice.

The voice becomes a scream.

The scream becomes a person.

Ryuko: Y/N!!!!

The void gains color becoming bright red.

Ryuko screams Y/N's name as she emerges from the void her hair is all red now as she is covered in flames.

Ryuko shatters the entire dimension with her voice flying through it burning the darkness away.

Ryuko flame spreads becoming hotter and faster instantly.

Y/N still being torn apart over and over hears Ryukos voice and sees her light as the world around him brightens up.

Y/N: Ryuko?

Y/N: Ryuko!

The hands stop trying to pull Y/N apart as all the other Ryukos scream in fear and anger.

Ryuko flies through the mountain of hers burning each of them before punching Y/N square on the top of the head.

Y/N feels the burning pain: OW!!!

Ryuko grabs Y/N by the two sides of his face and quickly pulls him into a kiss.

The flames embrace the two as blue flames emerge combining with Ryukos red flames and burning the entire dimension around them.

Y/N: I love you Ryuko. Your my everything. I sound super cheesy and dumb and I have no idea what is going on half the time but I do know that I love you more then anything.

The two then lean in for another kiss this time longer.

All the mutated vines, tendrils and the cocoon holding Y/N's body then exploded into red and blue flames.

Ryuko: Oh please don't forget that kiss or confession or I swear to god!

Y/N: I did not, also we're both very naked and umm your very very beautiful.

Ryuko thoughts: I am super tempted but having our first time in a secret evil cult/corrupt off the books government organization deep underground super villain lair doesn't seem like the ideal place.

Y/N: um so after this you want to go out for pizza later?

Ryuko kisses Y/N once more.

Y/N: I'll take that as a yes.

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