Y/N the threads that binds us part 2

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Y/N protected the cashier by catching the bullet with his body. Y/N lay there while the last robber walked over to the body and quickly decided to shoot it 2 more times. To his surprise the other two bullets bounced back as they hit the body and fell on the floor looking crushed. The robber confused was about to fire a couple more times when suddenly Y/N leap upwards latching onto the ceiling with his hands and then swinging his feet into the robbers face.

The robber flew backwards out the doors and into the street. Y/N began to walk out of the deli with his eyes dark red and glowing the bullet hole in his side which was bleeding over his clothes began to heal and closed itself together with his blood and a red thread creating new skin and tissue. Y/N picks up the robber by the collar and punches him in the head knocking him out. Y/N hears sirens around the corner and looks back at the cashier and then runs hoping to get his backpack and get to school only a little late.

Meanwhile with Ryuko at the school rooftop staring down Akio. Mako was trying to talk at her usual rapid pace but it was all muffled by her duct tape gag. Akio: so here's the deal I'm a generous person so I'll forget yesterday happened and we continue with our fight on Friday. Ryuko: or I can beat you up here and now before you drop Mako. Akio: are you really that fast?

Even if you did use your freak powers and did that you wouldn't be able to save her family. Akio pulls out pictures in her pocket with her free hand and toss them on the ground revealing makos family tied up and gaged being held somewhere. Ryuko took a step forward and the ground underneath her began the crack.

Akio: be careful now wouldn't want Mako to fall and her family members are all in different places, safe houses each with enough guards to finish them off before you punch your way to them. So we'll continue with our fight ok. If you win I'll set them all free, if I win you and Y/N become my pets. As a sign of good faith I'll give you Mako back ok.

Oh and since your superpowers will make everything unfair your not the one fighting. Ryuko: you want Y/N to fight? Akio: bingo, he also has abilities from what I saw but he didn't look as strong as you. So it's your champion against mine. Ryuko: your a coward. Akio: yeah right if I wanted to fight a monster I would do it but I want my pets to be in good condition.

No one wants a mutt that's all dirty and broken. Ryuko: let mako go and I'll agree to this garbage. Akio: ok ( she drags makos chair away from the edge of the roof and kicks her chair over knocking her on her sides) the bell rings and Akio decides to leave flipping off Ryuko. Ryoku quickly cuts makos ropes and mouth gag and asks her if she's ok.

Mako proceeds to talk a storm saying her family will be fine because she knows Ryuko will save them just like before. Ryuko nods her head and hugs her best friend. Ryuko: we need to talk to Y/N and get to class. As the two girls rush to their next class Y/N is sneaking inside the school using a giant cardboard box as a cover.

He saw it in a video game and surprisingly he made it to gym class like that and changed to his normal gym clothes. The other students in the locker room started to wonder who brought a empty cardboard box in there.

Y/N felt tired, using his powers always affected his body in odd ways sometimes really painful or tiring ways so he just sat in his floor spot while the gym teacher was explaining volleyball. Y/N then got up and was assigned to a random team and saw on the opposing team was Ryuko in her regular outfit and she looked serious.

Y/N was wondering if he did something wrong and was thinking about asking her if she was ok when everyone started playing. When the ball reached Y/N's spot he hit it back with his palm but his right arm began to sting allot. Y/N's thoughts: come on the robbery this morning couldn't have done that much damage I just got shot once off guard.

While distracted in his thoughts the ball began to move faster and faster through the air. Both teams were intent on winning and Ryuko losing herself in the game jumped up to spike the ball and spiked it way too hard as the ball zipped past the opposing teams front guards and hit Y/N in his daydreaming face.

The balls force pushed Y/N back hitting the foam wall paneling behind him and then falling over unconscious. Both teams stopped to either laugh or cringe at what had happened while they all went to check if Y/N was still alive and ok.

The gym teacher rushed over and told Ryuko to take him to the nurse since she caused this and so Ryuko picked up Y/N and carried him to the nurse trying not to look at the terrified and amazed looks at her peers faces. She felt as if some were thinking she was a monster and some were impressed but decided to ignore them and get Y/N to the nurse.

She was also feeling abit worried, that hit was nowhere near her full strength if she hit that hard the ball would pop or Y/N's head would have been taken off his body, but at the strength she did throw at she could still do serious damage to a normal human so she was worried. She was also feeling mad at herself getting him involved in the fight and knocking him out before he could tell her.

He was strong she saw him dodge bullets and fight well so maybe he was just off guard but she began to worry if she did brain damage or if he is fine what if the opponent he fights on Friday is able to hurt Y/N badly.

As her thoughts consumed her she quickly made it to the nurse who found out Y/N was fine but his nose was broken so she gave him a ice pack and some bandages and told Ryuko to put him in the bed and when he wakes up he'll be sent to class again. Ryuko asked if she could stay with him till he wakes up and the nurse laughed saying: oh that's sweet, for now you can stay but make sure not to skip out on your next class ok.

I'm sure your boyfriend would want you not to worry. Before Ryuko could explain that Y/N was not her boyfriend the nurse had to leave over a code blue in the basement. Ryuko sat on a chair right next to Y/N's bed feelin bad she broke his nose and holding a ice pack for him. She looked at his sleeping face and smiled, he had a funny sleeping face.

Ryuko took the ice pack of his nose which seemed oddly fine even the bleeding had stopped really quickly. She walked closer to Y/Nnd examined his nose it looked undamaged. Ryuko thought maybe he had healing powers or something like that so she decided to ask him his story once he woke up.

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