Cutting the cord within ones heart part 1

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Ryuko carrying Nana and Akio all of which used their powers to make special heat protective suits made it to earths core and were in a cave system. Ryuko: this mode is pretty nice looking Senkestu. Senketu: thank you I designed it especially for more severe battles and for extremes such as space, heat and cold.

 Senketu: thank you I designed it especially for more severe battles and for extremes such as space, heat and cold

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Y/N who had jumped down the hole was then caught in Akios arms. Y/N blushing: thanks Akio. Um can you please stop groping my butt. Akio: come on don't blame me for trying. Nana: I should have been the one to catch him. Akio: yeah like you wouldn't have done the same thing. Nana: I wouldn't. Akio: whatever. Ryuko: theres life fiber energy everywhere down here.

Akio: I found more of that gross fungus. The four teens used their flashlights to look around and saw the fungus that Satsuki and the grannies found were everywhere. Nana: I can feel the demonic energy getting stronger and stronger but there's a source. Ryuko: a source like a root or heart huh? If we destroy it maybe this fungus will die off. Y/N: let's track down this source then.

As the four teens walked down the cave which seemed to go downwards they saw a wall of fungus that looked like a wall of flesh. Y/N: that's disturbing, it's like a horror movie. Ryuko: let's cut it down. Ryuko charged with her arm blades stabbing into the wall of fungus only for her blades to be stuck in the wall. Ryuko: oh crap.

Y/N: hold on! Y/N extended his life fiber hand grabbing Ryuko's shoulder trying to pull her out. Suddenly the wall reacted pulling Ryuko in further and shooting tendrils stabbing into Y/N's life fiber hand. Y/N: ow! Ow! Ow! The wall then pulled Y/N's arm into itself with enough force surprising Y/N as he flew into the wall headfirst. Y/N's legs were sticking out of the wall along with Ryuko. Ryuko: Y/N! Guys stay away!

Nana: Ryuko this has to be the way inside the compound don't panic. Ryuko: you say that but my lower half is being covered in slime! Nana: just don't panic! Akio: I think I'll just wait here, I'm not a fan of being covered in alien fungus slime. Nana proceeded to kick Akio into the wall and then ran jumping into the wall herself. As all the teenagers emerged from the wall covered in this disgusting terrible cold slime they all felt disgusted.

Y/N tried not to throw up since he had some slime in his mouth and hair and all over his suit. The girls were also uncomfortable with all the slime Ryuko feeling Senkestus dislike of all the slime. Y/N's inner thoughts: I'm not into slime, but if I was this would have been totally hot right now. Y/N: so where are we now? Ryuko turned on her flashlight and they saw a metallic door.

Ryuko approached the door and Y/N's nose and ears twitched. Y/N: soldiers are behind there about 30 heavily armed they're breathing strangely though. Their heartbeats aren't normal, they are definitely not human. Ryuko looked at the door and blasted it open with a arm blaster. Suddenly all the mutated soldiers infected with the fungus from earlier came running through the door.

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