Consequences of the past

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Y/N woke up in a start and groaned out in pain: his body was super red sunburned and he was bleeding from his wounds.

Y/N: Super healing please kick in faster.

Y/N got up after his body had healed the major injuries and walked with a major sun burn: Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Worse tan ever.

He then saw bumped into Ryuko while looking down.

The apologized to each other and stared into each other's eyes before getting embarrassed.

Akio and Nana then landed on Y/N's back having been fighting over the last set of chips in the vending machine.

Y/N: So who were those people?

Suddenly all the lights went out and Satsuki sat there with a spotlight on her.

Satsuki: They were the Magic Beta Works organizations leaders. A group you dealt with in the past and they hold a grudge with you.

Y/N: I wonder what I did?

Satsuki: They're all in their own wing of the hospital and restrained and I sent that computer chip of their leader B2 to their last known headquarters through the mail. The elite five (Mako included) will watch them just Incase.

Y/N: They attacked us right at the perfect time. That B2 guy was strong especially with that sword of his.

Satsuki: Yes we all felt the impact of that battle as you two fought luckily the blade survived with some damage but Matoi industries should be able to repair and improve upon it.

Y/N: Awesome! That is a powerful sword that could be useful again in the future.

Ryuko: Now that the pests are out of the way let's go to the demon realm and get your memories back.

Y/N smiled: Yeah!

Y/N extended his hand out and ripped through space and time creating a portal to the demon realm.

Ryuko held Y/N's hand and so did Nana while Akio sat on his shoulders.

Satsuki: What are you all doing?

Akio: CHARGE!!

Y/N and the others ran through the portal and emerged onto the fiery hell landscape of the demon realm.

Ryuko and the others then realized Y/N wasn't with them.

Ryuko: Y/N where did you go?!

Nana: We we're holding on to him as we walked through, he has to be here.

Akio sitting on the ground now: It's like he vanished out of thin air.

Satsuki: It's safe to assume this is demon magic at the work. Someone took Y/N.

Ryuko: Lets get him back then.

Ryuko transformed and flew at max speed with her friends right behind her.

Meanwhile Y/N woke up in a dark room tied to a chair.

Y/N: This feels familiar. Where am I?

A black leather gloves grabbed Y/N from behind grabbing his face and sinking purple claws into his forehead.

Y/N screamed in pain as his forehead bled but his veins began changing colors and spreading through out his body.

Y/N remembered everything he experienced it all over and over and over and over trillions of times all at once at frightening speeds his body couldn't handle it.

He coughed and threw up blood, his ears and eyes bled his body shook violently as his pupils dilated.

Then from underneath the chair a light lit up as Y/N's blood hit the ground.

A magic circle with several pentagrams was absorbing his blood.

Y/N screamed out even more as his body lit up with flames and exploded out in a pillar of blue light.

The demon realm shook violently as storms unlike anything they've ever seen or had happened.

Hoshi and Y/N's gramps felt what was happening.


Gramps looked down sadly: This is my fault, I failed. The demons of old that possessed me for so long I thought I had destroyed them after evicting them from my body but they survived and now they have Y/N's powers.

Y/N awoke in a smoking crater the size of a large city and covered in wounds.

His horns and tails were gone and so was anything about him that was demonic.

Y/N woke up feeling pain and realizing he was no longer a demon.

Y/N coughing up blood: My memories are back but now my powers are gone! WHAT IS THIS BULL$HIT!!! AND I CANT MOVE JUST FRICKEN GREAT!!!!

Y/N couldn't even get up but then he reacted as he heard metal clinks!

Y/N looked at his hands to see chain cuffs snapping closed on them and then his feet and then one on his neck.

Y/N: What the—

Then spikes appeared on the outside of the hands and legs cuffs.

Y/N: Oh this isn't good.

The blades then inverted stabbing inside the cuffs.

Y/N screamed as he was lifted by the chains at a mysterious figure.


The figure then plunged their hand into Y/N's chest and removed his still beating heart.

Y/N weakly: Ryuko.

The leather gloved hand watched the heart continue to beat and placed a magic circle on it as he flew away with both Y/N and his beating heart.

Meanwhile Ryuko flew to where the beam of light came from and found the crater and blood but not Y/N.

She slammed her fist into the ground: DAMMIT!!!

Authors note: WASSUP EVERYONE! It's been awhile, behind the writing allot is going on for me but I'm still writing and the last 8 chapters I'm pretty proud of in terms of overall fun and quality compared to previous stuff I wrote. Anyway stay safe folks and I hope you enjoy the story.

Depending on a couple things the end of the story may come sooner then I thought and hopefully/ideally that's by the end of this year but it could end somewhere in 2021 no 100 percent guarantee yet.

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