Y/N threads danger part 3

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Izumi: where are they it's the first day back and they're already late. Suddenly the door slammed open as Ryuko and Akio holding a Chibi Y/N in a puppy onesie had made it inside. Izumi: please get seated you three, and welcome back Akio. Akio: stared in the direction of her old seat and the students occupying it out of pure fear vanished into thin air.

Two of Akios old school thugs ran to bow to her while Ryuko holding Chibi Y/N went to her desk and tried to take notes. Chibi Y/N: I hope Nana is resting. Ryuko: yeah it's just a fever after all the fighting she'll be fine. Chibi Y/N: I'll make her a card. The day followed with everyone trying to get back into school after all that had happened.

Chibi Y/N was called up to write on the board and Ryuko had to go with him to lift him up so he could actually write the equation for algebra. Then during gym Ryuko had to stop all the gossip/popular girls from crowding Chibi Y/N to take pictures and punch his cheeks instead of actually playing in gym.

Ryuko grabbed Chibi Y/N and brought him to the court where she and Akio were doing a 1v1 volleyball match. Everyone watched the most intense volley ball game on the history of the planet as the two girl hit the ball back and forth at super speeds till eventually the ball burst from their force ending the match in a draw. Ryuko: dammit!

Akio: I was about to win! Ryuko: Luke hell you were! The two got in each other's ace ready to fight but Chibi Y/N stepped in the middle of them saying: can we play something else? The two stopped to play a much tamer version of volleyball with Chibi Y/N who sucked at the game even with his super human senses, reflexes and powers.

Everyone else watched in shock and amazement that a child broke up such a serious fight and the fact that the number 1 delinquent in the school listened to a kid. After gym the three had lunch together and Akio payed for Ryuko's and Y/N's lunch as a apology for that time she ruined their lunches when they first met.

Ryuko: I'll forgive you for the lunch thing if you eat a pizza  sliced covered in the hottest hot sauce in the world. Akio: fine I'll text you when I find the hot sauce. Chibi Y/N: I forgive you anyway, can I have the hot sauce too? Ryuko: why would you want to eat that little guy you'll burn your tongue. Akio: yeah shrimp you and Matoi probably have low spice tolerance you'll melt from even touching the hot sauce.

Ryuko: is that a challenge? Akio: sure a spice tolerance match to settle the volley ball match. Ryuko: if I win you get to be my dog for a week. Akio: and when I win you'll be my dog. The two then butted heads heated for this competition. Chibi Y/N: can I play? Ryuko and Akio: fine but be careful. Chibi Y/N (happily): Yay! If I win you two have to be friends and no fighting, and ice cream! Ryuko and Akio knowing the little Y/N wouldn't win agreed just to humor him.

The next week Nana watched as the two girls and Y/N sat at a table with the spiciest hot sauce on the planet they bought online. Nana: Y/N win for me ok, I'm not good with spice but I remember how much you loved Spivey foods when we were little. Ryuko: don't worry I'm sure the hot sauce won't hurt him. Akio: besides after I win I'll treat him to ice cream. Ryuko: you mean after I win you'll treat us to ice cream.

Nana: you two are out of your league in this competition. Ryuko and Akio: you might want to check your temperature because your talking crazy. The hot sauce taste testing completion began and after 5 mins but Akio and Ryuko had bright red faces at their limits almost passing out before Nana handed them water. Ryuko: damn it a tie again. Akio: so who wins? Chibi Y/N then climbed onto the table and picked up the bottle and dropped all of the hot sauce on his lunch as he inhaled his lunch and burped.

Chibi Y/N: delicious! Ryuko and Akio watched wide eyed and Nana simply smirked petting Chibi Y/N. Ryuko and Akio: how?! Nana: his family has very high spice tolerance. Akio: goddamn alien dna. Ryuko: we just got swindled by a kid. Akio: and I didn't even teach him how to swindle yet, I'm so proud. Chibi Y/N: I win so you two have to be friends now :). Ryuko and Akio looked at each in disdain and shook hands briefly before Chibi Y/N said: hug each other!

Nana just laughed in the background before seeing a devilish glint on the two girls eyes. They both raised their hands to reveal another bottle of hot sauce. Akio shuddered as she saw where this was going and ran as Ryuko and Akio chased her with the bottle of hot sauce.

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