Cutting the cord within ones heart part 5

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Y/N was stranding there in a suit itching his neck.

Ryuko: relax you'll be fine.

The two stepped through the doorway seeing multiple government officials and scientist everywhere. Y/N greeted Ryukos uncle and he felt a strange knot in his gut as he did.

Rion: it's so good to finally meet you thanks for thanking care of Ryuko please continue to do so.

Y/N feeling sick: it's nice to meet you two, I'm crazy about Ryuko.

Rion: well hopefully you can stay focused on the presentation. It's ground breaking work.

Y/N feeling his head spinning: can do. Um so what is it?

Rion: why don't I show you. EVERYONE! May I begin this presentation with the unveiling of the main attraction.

Rion pulls the tarp out rescaling a steel and glass case revealing a alien with a vey humanoid and familiar form and shape but it was made out of threads.

The creature clawed at the glass and all the scientists began taking pictures and asking questions while Rion discussed his findings and studies.

Y/N felt like throwing up and he was sweating.

Ryuko: you ok, babe?

Y/N: not really, I feel kind of sick right now.

Suddenly the glass began to crack and the the alien creature Bust out with great force.

People began to panic and run as the alien shot tendrils impaling people left and right.

Y/N fell to his knees his head spinning and his stomach heaving. He then saw Ryuko and everything began to slow down as he saw a tendril heading towards Ryuko.

Y/N with all his energy dived in front of the tendril getting stabbed straight through the chest his blood spurting out. Y/N then heard a familiar voice from the creature.

???:.... help.

Y/N: Ketsu?

Ryuko: Y/N.

Y/N: tried to turn to see the tendril that had impales him went straight through him and through Ryukos chest. Ryuko fell back with tears in her eyes.

Y/N said nothing, he screamed but he couldn't hear it. All the chaos going around him faded into nothing as he simply screamed his heart out in anger and pain till everything went black.

Y/N woke up in a metal and glass tube confused. He saw something was covering the outside of the tube he was in. Y/N banged on the glass trying to speak but he couldn't.

Suddenly the tarp was pulled off and Y/N saw a bunch of scientists, reporters and government officials clapping and taking photos of him. Y/N screamed for help but no one listened. He then turned to see Ryuko there with a guy in the suit he was wearing. The guy in his suit was standing next to Ryuko and her family and kissed Ryuko on the lips.

Rion steps in front of the glass case and turns smiling at Y/N with a little hand wave.

Y/N in anger banged on the glass breaking the glass and bursting out. He then punches Rion through the chest. Y/N's hands becomes tendrils as he shoots out multiple killing as many people in rage as he loses control.

Y/N tries to hold his body back but he can't move as his body acts on its own. Y/N kills everyone in incredible speed till Ryuko is the only one left. Ryuko is in tears staring at Y/N in anger and fear. Y/N screams for his body to stop, for his legs to stop moving but he can't do anything. He impales Ryuko with his fist and he cries holding her body. Y/N holds on to Ryuko apologizing but she can't hear him.

Y/N feels the world go dark around him and he wakes up in the tube again. The process repeats but this time when the tarp is unveiled he sees his reflection. Y/N sees his face a mix between his life fiber and demon forms and ketsus. Y/N screams busting the glass repeating the process. The cycle continues constantly changing slightly but Ryuko dies every time by Y/N's hands.

Y/N after endless attempts to stop himself, kill himself and save Ryuko he fails one after another holding Ryukos body and crying. Each time Y/N feels more pain, anger and hatred as the cycle continues endlessly till Y/N feels nothing but darkness.

Y/N doesn't move, he doesn't think, he doesn't feel. He just feels the emptiness of nothing letting himself be nothing as he falls into the void. As Y/N falls and hits the ground it shatters and he falls into a pile of dead and bloody Ryukos. Y/N lies there motionless as all the Ryukos come to life and grab him pulling him downwards, clawing at chest, arms, legs and face. The arms pull him downwards ripping off his flesh and tearing him apart slowly as Ryukos voice rings out in fear and panic calling Y/N's name. Y/N doesn't react letting himself be torn apart over and over as he listens to Ryukos voice.

Then the same process repeats with Akio, then Nana then Izumi. Over and over endlessly for a eternity. 

Y/N: I'm sorry Ryuko. I'm sorry everyone.

Meanwhile in reality Nana and Akio end up defeating 624 sending her flying through a wall.


Akio: We'll we've been training, while your Dumbass has been sitting around in some creepy bunker.

Nana: and unlike you we have friends.

Akio: burn

Nana: thanks

624: well now you have the choice between killing me or restarting your friends heart.

Nana: don't worry we'll make sure to finish you off next time.

Akio: when we meet again we'll be so strong we'll just punch your lousy ass into the sun.

624 growler and transformed into threads going through a vent in the ceiling.

Akio: let's go get Y/N and Ryuko.

Head scientist: wait!

Akio punch's the head scientist into the ground into a crater.

Nana: you have any objections or are you going to help us.

2nd head scientist: I'll help, please get me out of here in return.

Akio: I'll think about it after all you've done.

Nana: yeah no promises after everything that's happened here. Besides we've been in here a couple days so I wouldn't hold my breath.

2nd scientist: I'll give you any information you want regarding this place and all we've done here.

Akio: now that sounds useful and a reason to let you live.

Nana whispering: I thought we were going to let her live regardless and just scare her?

Akio whispering: we really should have talked about this before hand, but I guess Y/N would be pissed at us if we let her and others die here so we'll go with your thing.

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