Y/N Trapped in threads part 2

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Satsuki: So your this Y/N I've heard about. Y/N felt intimidated by her presence she had a presence similar to that of enemy he had once fought. He was so intimidated he thoughts he saw big blocky red letters and a spotlight with villainous theme music.

Y/N nervously: yes that me. Satsuki inner thoughts: huh shy or purposefully trying to deceive me. Ryuko: anyway we have to study by! She grabbed Y/N by the hand and led him to her room. Ryuko and Y/N's inner thoughts: that was so awkward. Satsuki made a phone call and told the person on the other end to have the elite four start their investigation on this Y/N.

Ryuko led Y/N to her room and closed the door. Y/N wasn't sure what to do since this was the first time he had been in a girls room and being thrown into one while fighting monsters or super villains didn't really count. Ryuko sat on her bed and motioned for Y/N to do the same and so he did.

They sat awkwardly for a minute both not knowing where to start. Ryuko then blurted out one of us should start. Y/N: I'm sorry I haven't been able to trust people so I was hiding allot but I trust you after all you've done for me so I'll go first.

Y/N: so um there's no easy way to say this but I'm part alien/demon. My grandma was created in a lab in space by somebody trying to create a weapon out of multiple alien species to make some sort of demon. My grandmother fled the lab and landed on earth after escaping her home and she began to live a normal life here.

After adjusting for awhile she met the man who would become my grandfather and they fell in love. They had my uncle and mom who was half alien and half human and she had me and my sister with my dad who was human.

My mother wanted a normal life while my uncle wanted to explore the world and try to learn about aliens and the their history with earth. So yeah when I was born my parents didn't think I'd make it because the human side of my family have really really bad health issues and the alien side of my family also had issues gene wise.

My grandma told me that giving birth to kids she nearly lost the two of them since she had so many different types of genes mixed to create her and throwing human genes made it even more complicated.

So when I was born I had jaundice and some alien sickness so my parents weren't sure if I'd live so my uncle had to give me a blood transfusion and get some special medicine and medical help from this doctor my uncle had met in his travels and began working for.

After that my powers started to manifest and as I got older they became stronger but I was never aware of them till only a couple years ago. Luckily after I was born my uncle and his doctor friend made medicine which my kept and took when she was pregnant with my sister so my sister wouldn't be at risk. She also has powers but she's not aware of them yet.

So my grandmother was a fighter where she came from so even after having kids and grandkids she still loves to travel and help people so that's what she does. She a superhero and she met my grandfather when she saved him awhile back.

She inspired me so she and my uncle trained me and I started doing the whole vigilante/superhero stuff with them to guide me. My uncle he was looking to help the world scientifically and he was researching something only his doctor friend knew about and my grandmother knew very little about.

Then one day my grandfather died from a heart attack and my grandmother she grieved for a long time shortly after my uncle also died and my parents moved to this city where he was staying, while my grandmother said she needed time to be alone and vanished so I haven't heard from her since.

After I lost those two I tried to stop myself from fighting but it felt like a addiction and my only way to cope. I lost control of my powers a couple times and I felt lost so I hung up my actual suit and I haven't worn it since. Ryuko: so the one you've been wearing for the past year on the news is different what made you come back?

Y/N: last year my dad passed away and I felt lost again, my mom had lost so many people already and had to be strong for my sister and I had to be strong to I wanted to protect them. I couldn't stop myself from hearing people who needed help or the feeling in my blood to do something. I also wanted to do right by my dad, but I don't really know where I'm going from here. My instincts told me to keep helping people and that's what I'm doing but I feel like I've lost my way.

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