Fates third strand of despair

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As the jet was halfway to back to nudist beach headquarters winged life fiber monsters attacked the wings of the jet.

Y/N who was struggling to get anywhere near Rion and the god of life fibers fight held his ground. The two of them fighting was generating so much force that every single movement was causing massive earthquakes across the world. Their fight was destroying everything around them with just the clash of their fists.

Y/N watched seeing that even though they were both incredibly stronger then himself Rion was still no match for the god of life fibers. In fact the god of life fibers seemed to be humoring Rion and playing around with him like he was holding back allot just to mess with Rion.

While Y/N wanted to laugh and smile at Rion getting what was coming to him that he clearly deserved he was afraid that regardless for who wins he and his friends didn't have the strength  to take out the either of them.

Y/N then saw a jet fly away in the distance and he recognized it from the nudist beach headquarters.

Y/N ran towards the jet at full speed and once he caught up he saw the jet being attacked.

Y/N leapt up with enough force to skyrocket past the jet but land on top as he battled with the monsters on top destroying all of them
In nanoseconds.

As Y/N finished them off the jet had already been damaged and the engines were on fire. The jet began to plummet and Y/N quickly tore into the side of the jet grabbing Ryuko, and Akio while Satsuki had grabbed Soroi and Nana while she transformed using junkestu. They safely landed away from the plane crash.

Y/N: Satsuki good to have you back, where's grandma?

Satsuki: they went off on their own while I was recovering. I assume you four figured out what was going on.

Y/N: Rion he has my sister and Senkestu and Ketsu. He's fighting this other monster made of life fibers but this guy is different. He's way more powerful then Rion and all of us combined, he's on a completely different level.

Satsuki: that tower isn't the only one there have been reports of multiple attacks on earth. This is a full scale evasion, their terraforming the earth to completely overwrite every living being and clothe them in life fibers.

Y/N: What do we do? Please tell me you have a plan.

Satsuki: This is beyond anything I could have prepared for. Maybe if we can open a portal and destroy that tower we could accomplish something but so much destruction has already been done. We need something to kill those two monsters.

Y/N: how do we do that!?

Izumi: I can do it.


Satsuki and Y/N hugged her.

Izumi: Satsuki I can kill my father but this other monster he might be something else all together I'm not sure if I'll be able to do the same thing.

Y/N: Wait where were you this whole time?!

Izumi: My apologizes for ditching everyone, while you were searching for my father I was raiding every single research and weapon facility and after I had taken enough resources and scientists combined with nudist beach's scientist they helped alter my dna and powers to be the perfect counter/poison to my father and his abilities.

Y/N: that sounds really cool! So you went on a training arc basically and got a super power up!

Satsuki: hopefully it'll be enough.

Izumi: I can heal everyone so stay still.

Y/N: Ok so what do we do while you take out Rion?

Izumi: you'll need to hold back that other monster.

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