I found my way to you (End)

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Y/N dying: AHHHHHHHH!!!!! PLEASE GOD NO!!!!!! RYUKO!!!!!!


S/N: This is so sad. Bro you are unbelievably pathetic. Just ask her.

Y/N: I have to do it in a cool way. I can't just go and be like "Hey Ryuko wanna get married."

S/N: She would say yes in a heartbeat. It doesn't matter.

Y/N: Come on she deserves better then that. So far I have fireworks and a couple other stuff but I don't think it's enough.

S/N sighed: Just ask her. You've been nervous all week.

Y/N: What if I find a wizard? Yeah I'll find a wizard and use magic to make a giant magical proposal. Where am I going to find a wizard?

S/N: Don't get a wizard you idiot.

Y/N: I'm so nervous my legs won't stop shaking. I've never been this scarred before.

S/N: Didn't you die before?

Y/N: Yeah but death wasn't this scary.

S/N: Please just go ask her and stop bothering me.

Y/N: So cold to your big brother. Wait till you find someone one day and then you'll know how I feel.

S/N smiled and then kicked Y/N out of the house.

Y/N: Come on let me in!

S/N: Go ask her then you can come back.

Y/N sighed and called a cab. The cab driver that Y/N saved so long ago asked him where to.

Y/N smiled building up the courage.

He arrived at the old school building still being taught in. He walked in and pulled the fire alarm. The school was quickly evacuated as Y/N sent Ryuko a text about a supervillains causing a fire at the school.

Y/N walked into the now empty classroom and found the old desk they would all sit at. He could tell because Mako had carved their names into it.

Y/N stood there his heart pounding wildly while he thought to himself.

Soon Ryuko burst into the room.

Ryuko: You said you needed my help! You idiot! I thought this was a emergen—

She stood there in the doorway as the first thing she saw was the awkward Y/N bent down on one knee. He was teary eyed his hands and legs shaking.

Y/N: Ryuko Matoi, your crazy. Your strong and powerful, confident, beautiful, sexy, you are my world. You are my heart and soul. will you make me the happiest idiot alive and marry me?

At that moment fireworks all over the city shot off exploding with the same message.

Y/N held up a ring from the rarest metal in the demon realm courtesy of his other sister Hoshi.

Ryuko had tears in her eyes.

She remembered her memory of meeting Y/N for the first time and everything they had been through.

Ryuko had nothing in the beginning and now she had a family, friends and someone she truly loved.

She bent down putting on the ring: Yes, a trillion times yes.

Ryuko hugged Y/N and kissed him.

The two held each other in a loving embrace.

Y/N and Ryuko: I love you.

Senketsu and Ketsu Jr we're both crying: We knew you crazy kids would end up together. We're so happy!

Y/N and Ryuko: Aw gross, come on you guys you'll get all stiff.

Mako spotlight: A couple that sleeps together talks to their clothes together alright!

Y/N: Where did you come from?

Satsuki: Come on Y/N we all knew you were proposing. S/N texted all of us.

Y/N: Aw she does care.

Hoshi: Before the whole marriage, I could use some help dealing with bad guys in the demon realm who worked for Erity and Rion.

Y/N and Ryuko held hands and kissed again: Let's go on a adventure!

A portal opened and all our hero's flew through ready to start their next adventure.

The end.

Author note: Wow here we are. At the end of the story. It's been a long road lots of writers block and life changes happened between the start and end of this story. I changed allot and maybe just maybe I hope my writing improved even in the smallest most insignificant ways at the very least. The support kept this story alive more times then I can count. Thank you all, you amazing people who without even realizing it gave me the motivation to keep writing this silly story. Y/N like us has had a difficult life/year but he keeps fighting no matter what. To all/anyone reading this keep fighting for what's right that love for ourselves, for others, keep battling your demons. No one is perfect, we all have stories and adventures so I hope you have fun. Once again thanks for reading, until we meet again.

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