Stitching hearts part 6

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Ryuko awoke to the cutest thing it was Y/N dressed in a little rudolf Costume. He had his nose painted bright red and was in a reindeer onesie and had his horns painted a light brown.  He had a confetti popper in his tiny hands. Chibi Y/N: Ryuko it's time for the party! 🎉

Ryuko proceeds to take multiple pictures while greeting the little guy. Satsuki: I thought the costume would be cute and the makeup added to it quite nicely. Ryuko: I'll get ready for the party your dress looks nice sis. Satsuki stood in junketsu who had transformed into a elegant and Christmas like dress with white blue and red. Ryuko went to her room and put on Senkestu who transformed into a Santa costume/outfit for Ryuko.

Ryuko: thanks Senkestu

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Ryuko: thanks Senkestu. Hopefully we don't have to worry about anyone else attacking us and can just enjoy this Christmas party. Senkestu: yes I would like to experience this holidays cheerfulness. Ryuko: your present is a new high tech iron the elite four built for me to iron you with.

Senkestu: thank you Ryuko, I appreciate being here to spend this day with you. So will you give Y/N your fathers watch like you planned? Ryuko: that was the plan before this all happened. In this state he might try to eat the watch, so I'm no longer sure if this is such a good idea. Senkestu: I'm sure he will cherish it no matter the taste. Ryuko: (laughs) your sense of humor has gotten better. Senkestu: thank you, I have had allot of time to work on it.

Ryuko: you've spent allot of time sleeping, what have you been doing besides working on your comedy. Senkestu: I have been attempting to remember my beginning and try to reach out to ketsu. There are brief moments where I can hear her and then there are moments where I can feel a memory from when I first awoke at your fathers hands.

Ryuko: keep trying buddy, anything we can use to get ketsu back and beat Rion is useful. Senkestu: understood I will do my best. The door bell rings and Ryuko walks to the door opening it. Mako and Gamagoori stand side by side holding hands with the rest of the elite four behind them. Ryuko: Hi guys thanks for coming, come in. Chibi Y/N walks to the living room and sees Ryuko with the other guests.

Suddenly a spotlight shines on Mako and the music hallelujah is heard over and over as her eyes sparkle with excitement. Mako: Ryuko your baby sitting! He looks like Y/N! Wait is this your secret love child!?!?! Have you two known each other longer then we though and conceived a secret child together and forget about him somehow and now your reunited with him after the father came back and also regained his memory or did you two recently have the child and he ages fast because of all the genes he has between the two of you and does he have superpowers like you two maybe he can beat Rion—...... wait a second that means you and Y/N made a baby through sex! Ryuko how was it was he scared were you scared why didn't you use protection you should have taken health class like satsuki told you anyway are you two dating and getting married now or are you two going to share the baby through shared custody you can afford to take care of him but I don't know if Y/N has the money to do so Ryuko did you start breast feeding what's it like to be a mom and how did you keep your figure afterwards me and Gamagoori should have a kid too then your kid and my kid can be best friends like us so don't worry I'll make sure to get pregnant as soon as we get home and then we can be moms together besties and moms and superhero's and wife's let's have a dual wedding ceremony and have tons of fun!

Gamagoori and Ryuko both blushed red after they heard all that. Chibi Y/N had passed out behind them trying to catch and understand all that with his superhuman senses. Ryuko: Mako breathe please and let me explain. This isn't my kid.

Mako: wha!?!?! Y/N cheated?!?!! Is this a love affair with another woman or another man is this child a clown created by the government or Rion or is this his son with some he's been with before who's mother got tired of taking care of him and left him to Y/N who left him to you I thought Y/N was a virgin like Gamagoori but is he really a player who's been with tons of woman and that's one of his many many children and you accepted that part of him because you love him and your trying to change him while still being a good step mother?!?!!

Ryuko: Mako he's not my kid and he's not Y/N's kid or clone. Mako opens her mouth and the hallelujah sound and spotlight reappear. Mako: wait is he — Ryuko cuts her of before she can start again: no he's not a clone, relative, time traveler, shape shifter, government or Rion creation, or a illegitimate kid and whatever else your thinking right now.

Mako: oh. Then is that Y/N? Ryuko: bingo. We were practicing using our powers to transform and he did this to himself. Mako then pounced on the little guy scooping him up in her arms and playing with him taking pictures with one hand and petting him extremely fast with her other hand.

Chibi Y/N who was having his head patted and his tail was squeezed by Mako over and over again as he was in a state of powerlessness. Chibi Y/N inner thoughts: Mako is scary!!!!  Ryuko: ok you calm enough to breathe now Mako. Mako: yes ma'am she then hand over the disorientated and confused Chibi Y/N who looked as if his brain had been fried by the wonder and mystery that is Mako.

Gamagoori who was embarrassed about what Mako said earlier about marriage and children went over to get a drink. Satsuki arrived saving everyone from all the awkwardness as the catering staff followed behind her. Ryuko: alright let's eat. Her inner thoughts: (thank you sis) Mako went to stuff her face and fell asleep 2 second after finishing four trays worth of food as more and more guests started to arrive.

Satsuki: Gamagoori your wedding catering bill will be extensive with Mako. Gamagoori: don't worry lady satsuki I am then prepared to cook more then enough for Mako for the rest of our lives with all my heart. The rest of the party who heard that: aww. Ryuko: that's so sweet.

Chibi Y/N who had just seen the monster that was Mako eat all that food decided not to let his fear consume him so he literally inhaled food as he tried eating quicker than Mako. Ryuko and Satsuki watched in shock as the Chibi Y/N ate several times what Mako ate in the same amount of time and looked around to all the surprises faces around him. Chibi Y/N: I did it!

Senkestu: children are very impressionable it seems. Satsuki: I don't know wether to be impressed or afraid of what I just witnessed. Ryuko: ditto. Satsuki: he's doomed with your cooking. Ryuko: shut it. Chibi Y/N: Ryuko can we do presents now? Ryuko (smiles): sure little guy. Chibi Y/N: yay! Mako then woke up: yay presents!

Everyone enjoyed the Christmas party and had fun that night. Ryuko saved her gift for Y/N to give to him at the end of the party when they could be alone. Satsuki assures Y/N's mother that'd he would be fine staying over and they would make sure he was alright. Y/N's mother kissed her son on the forehead and left with Y/N's sister. After everyone had left and it had begun to snow both Ryuko and Chibi Y/N sat in the living room watching Christmas movies.

50 of miles away Akio was walking down the street leaving behind a life fiber present box with the remains of her victims sticking out of them.

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