Unravelling threads part 4

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Ryuko rummaged through Y/N's closet looking for anything to hide her identity and she found Y/N's torn up suit among several other torn ones. Finally she found a black hoodie with black pants. Ryuko put on the clothes and ran to the construction site.

Meanwhile all the gangs were battling with heavy weaponry even Akio was there with combat armor and an army of thugs taking people out left and right. The chaos was the perfect chance for Akio to move up the ranks and surpass even her father she wasn't going to miss this chance and if she could kill the creature or capture it that'd be an added bonus.

The demon was moving with great agility slicing, punching, kicking and throwing everyone around. Akio has prepared a rpg and aimed for the demon from afar but she then saw the news helicopter watching the fire so she aimed at that instead and fired.

The demon saw the rpg flying straight towards the news copper so it ran to the edge of a metal beam and jumped its wings expanded glowing a fiery red as it sped right into the rpg taking it to the body but the force of the rpg sent the demon crashing into the tail of the chopper and its blades.

The chopper began to spin out of control and the people inside screamed as they were struggling to stay on as the chopper was losing control and falling about to hit the side of the construction site tower. The creature said: help.

The creature then sunk its claws into the back of the copper and through its back multiple black and red threads shot out wrapping around the chopper and multiple metal beams. The creature roared as it slowly stopped the chopper midair with all its threads saving the people inside.

The camera man aiming the camera pointed it at the creature only for the camera to be shot by the gangsters taking advantage of the creatures opening. The demon wanted to fight but it had to help the people in the chopper so it had no choice but let itself be attacked.

Akio seeing this opportunity reloaded her rocket launcher and aimed for the creature still holding the helicopter she had her thugs also get extra rocket launchers till 20 rocket launchers were pointed at the same spot.

They all fired and the creature wrapped even more life fiber around the entire copper like a cocoon hoping to protect it as the many rpgs hit it straight on sending it falling along with multiple burning steel bars and the copper wrapped in the threads still hanging but its threads were begging to unravel from the fire and force of the rpg.

The creature landed at the bottom of the construction site with tons of metal and steel rebar landing on it trapping it. All the thugs from all the gangs seeing this immediately stopped fighting each other and they all began to fire a storm of bullets at the trapped creature.

Some of akios thugs set c4 charges around the pillars of the site so they could drop the entire building on the creatures and finish of the other gangs in one strike two birds one stone. The creature roared ignoring the storm of bullets but looking at the copper multiple floors above above to fall.

The creature smashed its way out of the steel and metal rebar on top of it and jumped up several stories to grab the copper when suddenly it was hit with more rpgs blasts sending it back down. Akio told her thugs to guard the chopper and take anyone inside hostage. She then dropped her empty rpg and then took out a Grenade launcher strapped to her back.

She began to fire multiple shots at the monster but then seeing it fixated on saving the people in the chopper she order her men to let it drop with the people inside. As the creature ran and climbed up through the building dodging the Grenade launcher shots and even running through them Akios thugs fired at the threads making the helicopter drop several stories.

The creature tried to move to eat to it before it dropped but Akio and the other gangs attacked holding it at bay. The creature screamed: No!!!! As the helicopter fell the several stories but then it stopped at the bottom floor intact. At the very bottom stood Ryuko in all black and a black face mask holding the copper and setting it down. Ryuko helped the people out and told them to run and she began punching and kicking attackers into the ground. The creature seeing this said: Ryuko.

Akio realizing who it was jumped down multiple flights and pulling a parachute she fired the rest of her grenade launcher at Ryuko. Ryuko quickly picked up the damaged chopper to use as a shield but once the grenades impacted with it the chopper exploded sent Ryuko flying backwards into a concrete wall impaling her with copper shrapnel to the wall.

Ryuko clenching her teeth pulled out the shrapnel stabbing her through the shoulder and sticking her to wall and threw it at Akios parachute pinning Akio to a steel bar hanging meters from the ground.

Akio quickly undid her parachute straps and landed on her feet throwing away the grenade launcher and pulling out two uzis strapped to her sides and aiming at Ryuko. Ryoku pulling out a copper blade shrapnel in her leg and walked up to Akio saying: I've been waiting to wipe the floor with you for awhile. Akio: super powers or not your gonna die either way.

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