Wrapped into a ball of crime part 2

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Ryuko: the man in the white suit is in a abandoned hospital across town?! Satsuki: the elite four found a picture of the man circulating online and after tracking the Ip and router it pinged at the hospitals location on the old crime ridden side of town.

Akio: that makes sense my father never sent any men to patrol that area saying it was ominous and creepy. Ryuko: you father the crime boss was afraid of a spooky hospital? Akio: the place gave him the creeps, when I was little he threatened throwing me in there and locking me in if I didn't stop crying. Ryuko: we all have parent of the years don't we. Chibi Y/N: Nope.

Akio: Anyway one reason why my old man was creeped out was men would always go missing when they'd visit the area and those who were near the area would come back spooked and refuse to patrol the area. It was under no ones control and no body wanted it so my father ignored it. Satsuki: after the elite four did some digging we found this place has been use on the dark web for multiple purposes. Human trafficking, experimental drugs and weapons, torture devices, and gun running.

Ryuko: so the place is used by bad guys. Satsuki: not exactly according to historical records the building was a insane asylum that was built predating world war 2. Terrible things happened there and for some reason the city has ignored it ever since but when I sent my spy drones to sneak in the footage didn't reveal any criminals or technology or anything from the last 50 years the building is ancient and looks undisturbed.

Akio: possibly haunted and we could be dealing with ghosts. Nana: aliens, demons and now ghosts that's just wonderful. Chibi Y/N was shaking in fear squeezing Ryuko's hand. Ryuko: it probably wasn't a good idea to watch that horror movie yesterday. Chibi Y/N nodded. Ryuko: ok so what's the plan here? Satsuki: well if it's Rion this is obviously a trap, since this is too easy and he likes messing with us or.

Ryuko: or this guy in the white suit is a idiot or ghost maybe a idiot ghost that accidentally led us to his base. Akio: and he probably has a secret room or bunker under the building or something where he keeps all the stuff he buys including the people we need to save. Satsuki: this is a hostage situation either way so regardless of Rion or not we need to be careful and not underestimate this man.

You three will go together stealthily and rescue the hostages while me, Izumi and your grandmothers will take out any surrounding warehouses enter through the sewer systems and try to find the man in the white suit. If you find him first then we'll find the hostages but the point is to keep everything precise. Ryuko, Akio, Nana: got it!

Chibi Y/N: what about me? Satsuki: I need you to be careful and look out for Ryuko can you do that. Chibi Y/N nodded and tried to puff his chest out to act brave. Ryuko: this is going to be fun a haunted hospital. Akio: I really want to say there's no such thing as ghost but I feel like I'm going to jinx it. Ryuko: I think you just did.

Nana: ghosts are just like demons except you know less weird I'm sure we can handle it. Ryuko: yeah I totally forget how we live in a world where demons exist that definitely increases the chances of ghost being real by a significant percentage. Akio: the shrimp is part demon maybe he can scare them off or eat them somehow. Chibi Y/N: eww! Why would I eat a ghost that's disgusting and scary! Akio: don't worry little guy we won't let a ghost possess you.

Ryuko: we could bring a priest. Akio: I doubt holy water and salt will work here. Nana: demons aren't affected by holy water and salt but my blood can hurt them. Akio: cool then you can take the lead on this mission. Nana: scared? Ryuko and Akio: a tiny bit. Chibi Y/N: yes very.

Authors note: hey guys still up for any suggestions on future stories after this one ends and hopefully you guys will enjoy the next couple chapters. If I had to say how close we are to the ending I'd say we are about 50 to 60 percent done. I'm not rushing this story so bear with me if it takes awhile or goes on longer then it should and once agin thanks for all the support peace ✌️

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