Cutting the cord within ones heart part 3

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Authors super long note: hey guys it's been a little while since I've talked to you all and I got some sucky news. This story will still continue but I think I'll take a bit of a break from it for awhile rework things such as story ideas and my ending and also currently this is the 65th part of this story probably the longest or one of the longest kill la kill fanfics on here.

I think a break will be better for everyone so I can take some time to make the quality better and in the mean time I'll be writing other stories to keep the ideas and passion flowing. (I also have life stuff to deal with but I will try to clear it up) No specific end date in mind yet but I think at least for a month or 2 for now the story will be on hold.

Thank you all for the love and support I hope to continue making a enjoyable story for people to read. I apologize for those really wanting another chapter soon but I will do my best to keep the story interesting. Anyway till next time guys I'll see you in future posts! And now to this weeks chapter.

Y/N washed his face and brushed his teeth looking at his reflection he then looked at both his hands he had a scratch one his right arm and it felt kind of funny since he slept on it weird last night.

He left the bathroom and got dressed and went down the stairs seeing his girlfriend Ryuko at the table eating and chatting with his mom and sister about his embarrassing childhood memories. Y/N Stepped down the stairs greeting everyone and Ryuko shared her breakfast with Y/N feeding each other. Y/N's sister: gross. Y/N: you'll understand when your older.

Ryuko: I'm sure you'll find a great boyfriend when your older S/N your allot like your brother so there's so much to love :)! Y/N blushed red scratching his cheeks as he looked away embarrassed. Ryuko smiled as she played with Y/N's sister while Y/N packed his backpack and called a cab for them to get to school. The two left the house waving goodbye to Y/N's mom.

Y/N: do you have work today? Ryuko: yes, I think I'll be there a little late today. Y/N: does your place need any help? I don't have to work till tomorrow so I can stop by if you need me too. Ryuko blushed saying no multiple times. Y/N: come on Ryuko you'll have to tell me where your working eventually. Ryuko embarrassed: I'm just not ready it's kind of embarrassing. Y/N: Ok but eventually it'd be cool to see where you work.

Ryuko: I know but right now I'm ok with just visiting you at work. Y/N: I mean a game store isn't really working as much as it is playing on a console while occasionally using the register. Ryuko: don't worry I promise you'll find out soon enough ok (kisses him on the cheek). Suddenly the cab pulled up and the two went into it ready for school.

Meanwhile with Ryuko in her dream she was falling from the schools highest tower after a explosion detonated. Ryuko felt tears leave her eyes as she fell her sister was in the building as well.

Once Ryuko hit the ground everything went black and suddenly a red bright light was blinking in the distant and calling to her in a familiar voice

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Once Ryuko hit the ground everything went black and suddenly a red bright light was blinking in the distant and calling to her in a familiar voice.

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