New and old threads reunite part 1

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Ryuko awoke with Chibi Y/N and Satsuki all in the same bed. Ryuko got up and stretched and changed from her bunny PJs into senketsu after brushing her teeth and then she stepped outside to do some early morning training. Ryuko: ok senketsu lets take it slow and then ramp it up.

Senkestu: Slow, I understand. Ryuko then sped off into the sky and Ryuko transformed her life fiber arms into blades as she sliced at clouds at super speeds and cleared them with the force of her attacks. Ryuko flew higher and faster envisioning that she was fighting Rion right now.

Ryuko then breached the stratosphere and senketsu changed to give Ryuko a face mask to help her breathe in space. Ryuko rocketed at such speeds she hit something head first. Ryuko: owww! What the hell was that!? Ryuko got up out of the crater she had just made and realized she was now on the moon. Ryuko: whoa the moon! We have gotten allot faster. I'll bring some moon rocks back for Y/N.

Ryuko then jumped off the moon as her feet again transformed into a rocket as she flew at earth at even faster speeds. Ryuko: Senkestu, your body can handle reentry now right? Senkestu: yes at my current state I can handle much more heat thanks to Y/N and your efforts. Ryuko: let's see how well a job we did then! Ryuko flew at earth at insane speeds covered in heat and flames from reentry into earths stratosphere.

Ryuko: yah! Good job Senkestu! Senkestu: Ryuko we have a big problem. Ryuko: wha?! I thought you'd be able to handle this are you ok Senkestu?!?! Senketsu: I'm fine Ryuko however we are going to fast and have no break, we are currently a meteor heading towards earth, at this speed we could do significant damage to planet and all life. Ryuko realizing it herself and struggling to pull herself upwards: GODDAMN IT!!!!!

We have to aim for the ocean! She then flew towards the ocean accelerating downwards. Ryuko: Senkestu! Senkestu: got it! Senketsu then shot out a life fiber parachute from Ryuko's back to stop her fall speed. Ryuko then transformed her hands into blasters and fired hoping the combination of a parachute and arm thrusters would slow her approach.

Ryuko gave it her all and was starting to slow down but she was stilling going down pretty fast. Ryuko: dammit stop! Ryuko then transformed her two arm blasters into one giant blaster and used all her strength to fire a massive blast of energy into the ocean slowing her down enough not to do any real damage as she crashed into the ocean causing enormous waves and a small earthquake around the continent. Ryuko emerging out of the water: ow.

that could have gone better. Senkestu: Ryuko you have minor third degree burns and a couple fish are stuck in me. Ryuko managed to get the fish out of Senkestu after squirming around for abit because they were flopping around because they couldn't breathe. Ryuko: Senkestu you did amazing, nice job. Senkestu: thank you Ryuko we have both gotten allot stronger in such a short amount of time but make sure not to push yourself too far.

Ryuko: yeah sorry that was my bad there, I shouldn't have gone that fast for training. Senkestu: we ramped it up way too much. Ryuko: yup. The two then flew back home at rocket speeds but slightly slower just to be careful. Meanwhile with Chibi Y/N and satsuki who had woke up shortly after Ryuko had left ate breakfast and began training.

Satsuki wielding a new sword similar to her old one but refined and made of alien metals got in her stance and readied herself. Chibi Y/N also got into a stance with a bow staff and satsuki began training him teaching him to block her high speed attacks and attack back. Chibi Y/N was clearly outmatched and far slower then his bigger self but he was adapting and learning extraordinarily quickly starting to block Satsukis attack at a faster stance till he finally manage to tap her with his staff once.

They stopped seeing Chibi Y/N was tired so he sat back as Ryuko who had arrived home started a sparring session with satsuki and they went back and forth through out the skies causing massive shock waves. Chibi Y/N watched in amazement and wanted to join them but knew that at his current state he would stand no chance. After 30 minutes Ryuko and Satsuki both charged for one final blow each when suddenly they heard the door bell ring.

Satsuki: I guess that's where we end it sis. Ryuko: come on I was just about to win. Satsuki: I may have hit you too hard if that's what you saw. Ryuko sarcastically: haha. Chibi Y/N who was sipping on a juice box went to the front door with satsuki and Ryuko who had transformed back to their normal clothes right behind him. Chibi Y/N opened the door and saw a small old woman. Y/N: then began to choke on his mango juice as he saw who was at the door.

Satsuki: hello ma'm, is there something you need help with because I'm afraid you might have the wrong address. ???: I'm here to pick up my grandson. Ryuko: grandson?! Ryuko looked down to where Chibi Y/N was standing and saw he was gone. Chibi Y/N had already ran up to the old woman and hugged her saying: Grandma! Ryuko and satsuki: grandma? Senkestu: well this is a surprise. Y/N's grandmother: really? I think look he has my looks do we not look alike?

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