Stronger Human

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Y/N screamed out his body setting ablaze in flames and burning himself  out of his restraints.

He charged punching at Erity his flaming fist extinguished as she caught it.

Erity: Interesting you seem to have some scraps of power left. I wonder how long they'll last?

Y/N fist shook and then gashes opened up all over his body spraying blood.

Y/N roared head butting Erity in the face.

He didn't even scratch her instead he splattered her face with his blood.

Erity was licking her lips: Yum.

Y/N smiled as well: You want a pet? It's not happening. You caused my family pain, you hurt my grandparents and now you took my powers. I'm not going to be merciful.

Erity grinned: Prove it.

Erity grabbed Y/N by the neck and ran at super speed while smashing him into the ground.

Suddenly they were no longer in this timeless dimension.

Erity was confused as she looked around realizing she was somewhere else in the demon realm.

Y/N coughed up blood and stood up.

Y/N: I'm not useless without my powers. I'll take you on and win without them.

Erity: And how are you going to do that?

Y/N: With my friends.

Suddenly like a high speed rocket Ryuko flew in smashing Erity into a cliff side with a barrage of attacks.

Erity wasn't even phased as she stood there grabbing Ryuko's wrist and kicking her back.

Y/N caught her falling back.

Erity: You've bought yourself time.

Erity then raised her fist blocking two kicks from Akio and Izumi who came swooping in.

She then kicked forward at the air so hard Nana's magic sniper shot was blasted back at her.

Akio body burst into spikes tendrils which attacked but Erity grabbed them and threw her into Izumi and back at Nana with super strength.

Erity was sweating as everyone attacked her from all angles as a full frontal assault.

Y/N and Ryuko attacked from the front while Izumi and Akio attacked from above, while Nana attacked from behind.

They all attacked with everything they had at full power but with a simple fist raised to the sky all their attacks were canceled out as pure force ripped through the stratosphere and sent everyone flying back.

Y/N coughed struggling to get to his feet when he saw his friends corpses all around him.

Ryuko's neck was broken.

Y/N felt the color leave his skin as he looked to see Akio full of holes, Izumi ripped to shreds, Nana lying in a pool of her own blood.

Y/N turned to look back at Erity.

His eyes became pentagram shaped as his body ignited in flames. He roared out in pain.

In reality Y/N had never escaped Erity's prison dimension. He was hallucinating one of trillions of nightmares.

His eyes and skin were emotionless and pale as he was trapped in his own personal hell. Reliving the death of his loved ones over and over while Erity sat there watching in delight at his suffering.

She walked up to Y/N and her lips pursed inching closer to his mouth.

Suddenly Y/N pulled back his head and slammed it into Eritys forehead. His forehead wet with his own blood stains Eritys face.

She doesn't flinch.

Erity: My my your still alive in there? Even more impressive then I thought, this'll make it even more fun and sexy when I break you.

Y/N bites down on the inside of his cheek struggling to move and fight: I've suffered, I've watched people I love get hurt and die but I'm done losing myself to my pain.

Erity: You have such a beautiful darkness in you boy, let it out. Let it take over. Once it awakens the power I took from you will be a mere appetizer.

One of Y/N's eyes become pitch black.

He screams in pain.

His hands twitch and smoke rises from them.

Erity: I'm going to grab some food, don't go anywhere.

As soon as she leaves Y/N grins through the pain.

A pentagram symbol glows on his bloodied forehead.

Authors note: New Chapters! We're getting super close to chapter 100!!!! Anyway I'm writing on pc now so hopefully I can put out chapters more consistently. Next chapter should be out within the next week.

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