Unravelling threads part 7

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Back in reality Y/N and Ryuko returned back to being in the construction site. Ketsu reacted screaming as its threads began going unstable. Ryuko trying to calm ketsu down held it and said: it's ok ketsu we're here to help. Ketsu: help.

Ryuko. Y/N. Suddenly Y/N's scream was heard from the suit. Before Ryuko could react the suit panicked and shot threads attaching to Ryuko's body then the threads wrapped around Ryuko forming a cocoon of red and black threads. The cocoon then shattered with Ryuko stunned. Her head felt dizzy again but she felt different, stronger.

Ryuko: what happened? Senketsu: it appears Y/N kept his promise and brought me back. Ryuko hearing his voice and looking down to see him on her body. Ryuko cried and then senketsu cried again she didn't mind the wrinkles. Ryuko crying: your back. Senketsu crying: yes this time for real.

We have to save the crying for later we have to save Y/N and ketsu. Ryuko ran to ketsu who seemed to be havin trouble breathing and fell to its knees and collapsed. Ketsu began bleeding and it looked at Ryuko and senketsu and said: help Y/N please. Ryuko: what's going on?! Senkestu: Y/N and ketsu have merged but Y/N has severely damaged his body with his powers that their both dying.

Ryuko: is there anything we can do to save them?!?! Senketsu: Ryuko you need to give them a blood transfusion they've lost to much already.

Ryuko: ok lets do it. Senkestu then connected a thread to one of Ryuko's veins and the other end became a needle that pierced ketsus skin and connected to Y/N's veins. Ketsu passed out from pain and then disappeared as its threads dove into Y/N's skin and become what seemed like demonic tattoos with ketsus eyes on his hands. Ryuko: ketsu really did become one with Y/N.

Senkestu: yes their lives are tied together now but there's still a long road to helping her. Ryuko: he's still not breathing dammit! Ryuko began to press on Y/N's chest seeing no result so she administered CPR on him. Ryuko: come on don't die you idiot! Senketsu: Ryuko your losing too much blood.

Ryuko: it doesn't matter did you finish sewing his wounds. Senkestu: yes but his heart still isn't starting. Ryuko realizing CPR was not working looked around. Earlier she had been attacked by thugs with shock batons, if she could find them she could use them to restart Y/N's heart.

Ryuko found two and set them to max as she zapped Y/N's chest. Ryuko looked to see if Y/N was breathing and he was. Ryuko sighed with a sign of relief. Ryuko sat down next to Y/N tired. Senketsu: that was fun. Ryuko: sort of but it's good to have you back. Senkestu: Ryuko we have allot to catch up on. Ryuko lying next to Y/N said: yeah but first a short nap. Senketsu: very well I shall wake you then we shall talk about you and Y/N. Ryuko: sure and once we get home I'm ironing you.

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