Demon realm chaos

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Y/N was busy watching anime on his throne and waiting for some threat or some body needing help to burst through the door but so far not yet.

After all the training and fighting he had to do to become the demon king he was at a level where he was super bored.

The last demon king was powerful but after years of slowly beating his soldiers and then inner court when Y/N finally fought and killed him he reached what everyone thought was the peak of demon power.

He still kept training just in case anything were to happen and he got even stronger. At this point he was pretty sure he'd be able to beat the old demon king with a single punch.

The problem was no matter how strong he got that feeling of something missing was still in the back of his mind.

When he talked to his gramps he just said Y/N was at the age to find someone to love.

While Y/N thought about it most demons either feared him or put him on a ridiculous pedestal. Plus dating in the demon realm was confusing and strange, harems were legal and his gramps tried to arrange some for him but Y/N just felt like the people he met weren't right.

Wether it was guys or girls he just couldn't find someone to love enough to fill that missing space in his hearts (demons have multiple hearts).

Y/N became a shut in since the demon realm seemed to be in peace.

He tried to monitor the government but whatever they were doing or planning they were careful to hide it incredibly well.

Y/N honestly didn't really know what to do with himself.

He was a king, a hero but he still felt like he didn't know who he was and what he would be in the future.

While Y/N was busy with his thoughts the government was holding a secret meeting to invade the human world behind the kings back.

The officials argued back and forth but the loud annoying president overruled everyone else deciding that the human world has so much that could be useful to them and convinced everyone that the human world hates the demon realm and will attack them.

The government planned on sending their own secretly funded private army that they had building for years. They had been around in some form or fashion before they were a government. Some of the members had been in the position of power longer then the last 2 demon kings.

They didn't trust this new young demon king changing their world and trying to create a peaceful society. They had the human realm and all it could offer right in front of them all they had to do was take it, but first they would need to get past the barrier and only the certain individuals could break it apart or open a doorway.

They needed to use the demon king somehow and that was the only thing stopping them.

Luckily for them they had a plan.

Y/N was binging a 30 season anime while eating junk food when his grandfather and another person walked in opening the window curtains.

Y/N hissed at the sunlight.

?: Your really hopeless you know that.

Gramps: Y/N just because you have no work to do doesn't mean you can stay in all day.

Y/N: Hosi why are you here?

Y/N's demonic cousin smiled while bawling her fist and then punched Y/N through the roof .


Y/N was blasted into the sky and fell down the street landing in the street in a crater.

Male reader x ryuko Matoi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now